Before you install SCRM 2006 and add data sources, you need to ensure that adequate free disk space is available both for the SCRM 2006 databases and for the SMS file share, using the following guidelines.

Space Needed for the SCRM 2006 Databases

The space required for the TempDB database is equal to 30% of the Staging database size. If the TempDB database consists of more than one data file, this space requirement only applies to the primary data file during SCRM 2006 installation, not the secondary file.

This database is found on the fastest drive of the SCRM 2006 server, and it is used during the data transformation process when a SCRM data source is established.

TempDB growth depends on a number of factors: SQL Server worktables; the use of virtual joins between the inbound, outbound, and presentation tables; sorts; and index creation on large tables.

Ensure that adequate room is available for database growth by setting the SCRM database and log file growth to unrestricted, if possible.

TempDB growth is set to unrestricted when SQL Server is running; however, it is set to its initial size whenever SQL Server is restarted.

If you cannot set unrestricted growth, ensure that the following databases and log file sizes are set for growth as recommended in the following table.

Staging database size should be monitored regularly.

Database Data Size Log Size


Three times the total data size of all SMS data sources

30% of data size


Twice the total data size of all SMS data sources, plus MOM Data Warehouse size

25% of data size


5 MB

1 MB


30% of the Staging database size

25% of data size

Disk space growth for SCRM databases depends on data source database growth.

Disk Space Needed for File Shares

Ensure that adequate free disk space is available on the SCRM 2006 and SMS servers to store Bulk Copy Program (BCP) files that are created when you configure a data source. The space required for the SCRM Inbound and Outbound folders on the SCRM 2006 server is approximately equal to 70% free disk space of the size of each SMS data source. The SMS site server must also have approximately 70% free disk space of the size of each SMS data source.

See Also