[This is prerelease documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Use this page to specify the registry key or value to find on a specific computer.

This page contains the elements described in the following table.

Name Description

Key or Value Type

Contains the following elements:

  • Key: Indicates that a registry key property is required to create the Management Pack attribute.

  • Value: Indicates that a registry value is required to create the Management Pack attribute.


Contains the following elements:

  • Path: Displays the full path to the registry key or value that you enter.

  • Ellipsis (…) button: Opens the dialog box where you can select a registry key or value.

  • Attribute Type: Selects the type of registry property of the key or value.

Computer Name

Contains the following elements:

  • Name: Displays the computer name that you enter.

  • Arrow button: Opens a list of computer names. When you select a computer name, it appears in the Name box.

See Also