[This is prerelease documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

In System Center Essentials 2010, you can save a report into an existing management pack. This feature is useful if you need to share with report users a report that uses a specific set of parameters.

The following steps outline the procedure for saving a report to a management pack:

  1. Run a report (from the generic report library or from a management pack, such as the SQL Server management pack). Specify the parameters you want to for the report and click Run.

  2. When the report renders, validate that it contains the information you need.

  3. Select Save to management pack from the File menu.

  4. Follow the instructions in the wizard to save the report.

Once the wizard completes, the management pack is saved to Essentials and then later deployed to the report server and is made available for all report operators.

Be aware of the following when saving reports:Reports can be saved to a management pack from favorite reports. Reports cannot be saved to a management pack from authored reports. Management packs can be exported and imported into other management groups and the reports will work only when these management groups share the same data warehouse. Only users with administrator authorization can save reports to management packs.

See Also