[This is prerelease documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Use the Email tab on the Global Management Group Settings - Notification dialog box to enter the settings for e-mail notification.

This tab contains the following elements.

Enable e-mail notification

Enables e-mail notification.
SMTP servers

Provides a list of available Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) servers.

Opens the Add SMTP Server dialog box, where you can enter information about an SMTP server that you want to add to the list.

Opens the Add SMTP Server dialog box, where you can edit information about the selected SMTP server.

Removes the selected SMTP server from the list.
Return address

Provides a text box where you can enter a return address for the e-mail notification.
Retry primary after

Provides a spin box from which you can choose the number of minutes the server waits before it tries to resend the notification.
E-mail subject

Opens a menu from which you can choose an alert property for a subject line for the notification.
E-mail message

Opens a menu from which you can choose an alert property for a message for the notification.

Provides a list of available font encoding systems.

See Also

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