After you approve an update, Essentials 2007 installs the update on the computers it was approved for. You can monitor the progress of the update installation by running the Installation progress for Approved Updates report from the Updates Overview screen.
To approve updates for deployment
In the Essentials 2007 console, click the Updates button.
In the Updates navigation pane, select the category for which you want to approve updates.
In the Results pane, select all updates that you want to approve.
Right-click the selected updates, and then click Approve.
In the Approve Groups for Installation dialog box, specify the computer groups with the computers on which you want to install the update. You can do either of the following:
- Select one or more groups from the Computer Groups
- Click Create New Group to create a new computer group,
if needed.
- Select one or more groups from the Computer Groups
Click Set Deadline if you want the update to be installed by a certain time.