Use the Settings node of the Essentials 2007 console Administration pane to perform the post-installation configuration of the Management Server and agent-managed computers. These product-wide settings are also referred to as global settings.
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For information about overriding settings for the Management Server and agent-managed computers, see Device Management Node of the Essentials 2007 Console. |
Agent Heartbeat
Use the Agent Heartbeat setting to configure how often agent-managed computers send a heartbeat to their Management Server. A heartbeat is a periodic pulse from an agent to its Management Server that contains information related to the health of the agent. For information about overriding the setting for a specific agent-managed computer, see Device Management Node of the Essentials 2007 Console.
Database Grooming
Grooming helps maintain the performance of the Essentials 2007 database by managing its size through the deletion of unnecessary records. Use the Management Group General Database Grooming setting to specify when record types, such as Resolved Alerts, are deleted from the Essentials 2007 database. The default grooming setting for all record types is data older than 7 days.
Use the Management Group General Notification setting to create a notification channel. Essentials 2007 administrators must complete the following actions to configure a notification within a network environment:
- Create a notification channel.
- Create recipients.
- Configure the notification message and content.
For more information about these three actions, see How to Configure Notifications in System Center Essentials.
Use the General Privacy settings to perform the following actions:
- Enable or disable participation in the Customer Experience
Improvement Program (CEIP).
- Enable or disable sending operational data reports to
- Configure sending error reports for Essentials 2007
components to Microsoft.
- Configure what information is included in error reports sent to
Management Server Heartbeat
Use the Server Heartbeat setting to configure the number of missed heartbeats the Management Server can allow from an agent-managed computer before the state of the computer is changed to critical.
Management Server Security
Use the Server Security setting to configure whether agents installed using MOMAgent.msi will be rejected, displayed in Pending Management for review, or automatically approved.
Management Server Scheduled Discovery
Use the Server Scheduled Discovery setting to configure if and when the Essentials 2007 Management Server should automatically scan for new computers in the domain (using Active Directory Domain Services). For more information about setting up scheduled discovery, see System Center Essentials 2007 Feature Configuration Wizard: Scheduled Discovery Page.
Management Server Daily Health Report
Use the Server Daily Health Report setting to configure whether and how the Daily Health Report should be e-mailed on a daily basis. To send the report to multiple recipients, set up an e-mail distribution list containing the desired recipients and use that distribution list as the recipient. For more information about setting up the Daily Health Report, see System Center Essentials 2007 Feature Configuration Wizard: Daily Health Report Page.
Update Management Proxy Server
Use the Proxy Server setting to configure whether Essentials 2007 Update Management should use a proxy server to connect to the Internet and what that proxy server's settings should be. For more information about setting up a proxy server connection for Update Management, see System Center Essentials 2007 Update Management Configuration Wizard: Proxy Server Page.
Update Management Products and Classifications
Use the Products and Classifications setting to specify for which Microsoft products Essentials 2007 Update Management should download updates, and the types of updates that should be downloaded. For more information about Update products and classifications, see System Center Essentials 2007 Update Management Configuration Wizard: Products Page and System Center Essentials 2007 Update Management Configuration Wizard: Classifications Page.
Update Management Update Files and Languages
Use the Files and Languages setting to specify the languages for which you want updates downloaded and to specify whether you want update files to be stored locally or on Microsoft Update. For more information about update languages and file locations, see System Center Essentials 2007 Update Management Configuration Wizard: Update Languages Page and Storing Updates.
Update Management Synchronization Schedule
Use the Synchronization Schedule setting to configure how and when Essentials 2007 Update Management should be synchronized with Microsoft Update to keep the list of available updates current.
Update Management Auto-Approvals
Use the Auto-Approvals setting to configure how and when to approve updates. For more information about configuring update approval settings, see System Center Essentials 2007 Update Management Configuration Wizard: Auto Approvals Page.