Use this wizard to create a new rule.
This wizard contains the following pages:
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Application Log Data Source
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Build Event Expression
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Configure Alerts Page
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Configure the object
identifier settings for SNMP probe module Page
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Configure the trap OIDs to
collect Page
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Event Log Name Page
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Optimized Performance
Collection Settings Page
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Performance Mapper
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Performance Object, Counter
and Instance Page
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Rule Name and Description
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Script Page
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: Select a Rule Type
- System
Center Essentials Create Rule Wizard: WMI Configuration
See Also
How to Create an Alert Generating NT-Event-Log-Based Rule in System Center EssentialsHow to Create an NT-Event-Log Event Collection Rule in System Center Essentials
How to Create a Windows Performance Collection Rule in System Center Essentials
How to Create a WMI Performance Collection Rule in System Center Essentials