This procedure uses configurations that are set by the Network Device Library Management Pack. This Management Pack imports, by default, as part of the library of Management Packs imported during an Essentials 2007 installation.

To create a monitor that uses an SNMP trap

  1. In the Essentials 2007 console, click the Authoring button.

  2. Expand Management Packs Objects, and then click Monitors.

  3. On the Essentials 2007 toolbar, click the Scope button.

  4. Click View all targets, and then click the Management Pack table header to sort the list by Management Pack.

  5. In the list of targets, click to place a check mark next to SNMP Network Device from the Network Device Library Management Pack, and then click OK.

  6. Right-click in the Monitors pane, point to Create a monitor, and then click Unit monitor to start the Create Monitor Wizard.

  7. On the Select a Monitor Type page, expand SNMP, expand Trap Based Detection, expand Simple Trap Detection, and then click Event Monitor - Single Event and Single Event.

  8. In the Select destination management pack list, select the Management Pack to which this monitor will be saved, and then click Next.

    You can save configurations only to unsealed Management Packs. By default, all Management Pack configuration changes are saved to the Default Management Pack.
  9. On the General Properties page, type a name for the monitor, type a short description, and then next to Monitor Target, click Select.

  10. Click View all targets, and then click the Management Pack table header to sort the list by Management Pack.

  11. In the list of targets, click to place a check mark next to SNMP Network Device from the Network Device Library Management Pack, click OK, accept the default settings, and click then Next.

  12. On the Configure the trap oids to collect page:

    • Click use discovery community string if you have only one SNMP community.

    • If you have more than one SNMP community in your network click Use custom community string, and then type the name of the SNMP community that you want to monitor.

    • If you have specific properties of a network device that you want to monitor, click to place a cursor in the Object identifier properties section and type the object identifier of each property.

    Click to place a check mark in All traps, and then click Next.

  13. On the Build First Expression page, under Filter one or more events, use the columns in the table to build an expression that excludes SNMP traps that you do not want to monitor. Use the drop-down list in the Operator field to get a list of acceptable operators, and then click Next.

  14. On the Configure the trap oids to collect page, repeat the previous two steps if you have another SNMP community that you want to monitor. Otherwise click Configure Health in the left pane to skip these steps.

  15. On the Configure Health page, click to expand the Health state drop-down list, click to choose which health state Essentials 2007 should assign to the target of this monitor an event is generated, and then click Next.

  16. On the Configure Alerts page, if you want this monitor to generate an alert click Generate an alert for this monitor and configure the alert, and then click Create. If you do not want this monitor to generate an alert, click Create without making any changes to the page.

See Also