You use credentials in Essentials 2007 with Run As Accounts. Essentials 2007 supports the following types of credentials for Run As Accounts:
- Windows Authentication. Authentication using Windows domain or
local accounts. This is the only account type that you can specify
a module to run under.
- Community string. Used for interacting with SNMP devices.
Essentials 2007 uses SNMP 2.0, which sends the community
string in plaintext format, so this credential is secured only down
to the agent level. Any task, rule or monitor exposes it on the
network in clear text.
- Basic. A user name and password intended to be used with HTTP
Basic Authentication.
- Simple. Any credential which consists of a user name and
- Digest. A user name and password intended to be used with HTTP
Digest Authentication.
- Binary. Used with Management Packs to store and retrieve
security data for monitoring purposes, such as might be used with
synthetic transactions.
- Action account. Credentials for use with agent action accounts
in Essentials 2007.