This section outlines best practices for setting up Essentials 2007 on Small Business Server (SBS) 2003. These best practices should reduce the time and the configuration steps needed to accomplish this setup. Your enterprise requirements may dictate whether or not you follow each of these best practices.

Procedure Title

  1. By default, Small Business Server 2003 uses a self-signed certificate. In Internet Information Services (IIS), remove the self-signed certificate from the default Web site on the computer that is to run the Essentials 2007 management server.

  2. If you are planning to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, install it from the Essentials 2007 installation media (\Setup\SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE).

    If you use an existing SQL Server 2005 instance for Reporting Services, back up this database before installing Essentials 2007. Essentials 2007 will remove any pre-existing data in the Reporting Services database. For more information about database location and selection issues, see Selecting Database Locations.
  3. If you are using ISA Firewall on Small Business Server 2003, the following steps are also recommended. If you are not using ISA Firewall on Small Business Server 2003, skip to step 4

    1. Install Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 3.0 from the Essentials 2007 installation media (\Setup\<platform>\WSUSSetup.exe, where platform is either i386 or amd64). For more information about installing WSUS 3.0 on SBS 2003, see Installing Windows Server Update Services 3.0 on Windows Small Business Server 2003 (

    2. Publish the ISA Firewall rule to allow a Web server for WSUS as described in How to Configure an ISA Server 2004 Firewall on Small Business Server for System Center Essentials.

  4. Install Essentials 2007 and upgrade WSUS as part of the installation process.

  5. In IIS, re-assign the self-signed certificate to the default Web site.

See Also