A distributed application service in Essentials 2007 monitors the health of a distributed application that you define. It creates the monitors, rules, views, and reports necessary to monitor your distributed application and the individual components that it contains. When creating a distributed application in Essentials 2007, you first create the service that defines the distributed application monitoring object at a high level. Next, you use the Distributed Application Designer to define the individual components that are part of the distributed application you want to monitor.
To create a distributed application service
Log on to the computer with a user account that is a member of the Administrators group on the Essentials 2007 Management Server.
In the Essentials 2007 console, click the Authoring button. Right-click Distributed Applications, and then click Create a new distributed application. The Create a New Distributed Application page of the Distributed Application Designer starts.
In the Name Your Distributed Application section, type a descriptive name for the distributed application monitoring object in Name and a brief description in Description.
In the Choose Distributed Application Template section, select from one of three available templates. If one of the available templates does not meet your needs, choose the Blank (Advanced) template.
You can click any template to view a brief description of it. If this description is not sufficient, click View Details for more detailed information about the selected template. -
In the Save to a Management Pack section, click the Management Pack drop-down arrow to view a list of unsealed Management Packs. By default, the monitoring objects created are saved to the Default Management Pack. Click the New button if you want to create a new Management Pack. Click OK. The Distributed Application Designer window opens.
To use the Distributed Application Designer to configure a distributed application
The diagram pane in the Distributed Application Designer displays the component groups of your distributed application. Any component groups displayed after you first create a distributed application monitoring object are defined by the template you chose in the Create a New Distributed Application dialog box. Right-click each existing component group to review and, if necessary, edit the object types included in your distributed application. Click Add Component on the toolbar if you need to create a new component group.
Click Create Relationship on the toolbar. Use your cursor to draw a relationship that describes the workflow between the component groups of your distributed application. You might need to create more than one relationship.
The buttons at the bottom of the Objects pane list all object types defined by the template you chose in the Create a New Distributed Application dialog box. If your distributed application does not have components in it from one of the object types, click Organize Object Types to display a list of all currently included object types. Click to deselect any object type that is not part of your distributed application.
Click each of the remaining buttons to view the objects listed in each. By default, all discovered objects on your network that are of that object type are listed. Right-click each object that is a component of your distributed application, point to Add to, and then click the name of the component group to which this object belongs.
Click Save and then close Distributed Application Designer.