Use this dialog box to create a new monitoring view or revise an existing one for the following view types:
- Alert view
- Event view
- State view
- Task status view
This dialog box contains the following elements.
- Name
- Provides a space where you can enter the name for the view you are creating.
- Description
- Provides a space where you can enter a description for the view you are creating.
- Criteria tab
- Limits results displayed in the view. This tab contains the
following options:
- Show data related to: Displays the Management Pack
target type you selected by using the ellipsis button.
- Ellipsis (…) button: Opens the Select a Target
Type dialog box, where you can browse for and select a
Management Pack target.
- Ellipsis (…) button: Opens the Select a Target
Type dialog box, where you can browse for and select a
Management Pack target.
- Show data contained in a specific group: Displays the
Management Group object that you choose with the Ellipsis
(…) button.
- Ellipsis (…) button: Opens the Select Object
dialog box, where you can browse Management Group objects.
- Clear: Clears a selected Management Group object from
Show data contained in a specific group.
- Ellipsis (…) button: Opens the Select Object
dialog box, where you can browse Management Group objects.
- Criteria conditions: Lists conditions available for the
Management Pack target type that you can select.
- Criteria description (click the underlined value to
edit) tab: Opens a dialog box when you click an underlined
criteria value so that you can enter or select properties that
filter results displayed in the view.
- Show data related to: Displays the Management Pack
target type you selected by using the ellipsis button.
- Display tab
- Displays column and sorting rules that are used to display view
results. This tab contains the following options:
- Columns to display: Lists the columns that you select to
include in the view. You can use the up arrow and down
arrow to choose the order that columns are displayed.
- Sort columns by: Indicates the column used to sort the
view by.
- Group items by: Indicates how view results are grouped.
Multiple group levels are possible.
- Preview: Displays a sample view, based on Group items
- Columns to display: Lists the columns that you select to
include in the view. You can use the up arrow and down
arrow to choose the order that columns are displayed.
If you are creating a performance view, this dialog box contains the following elements.
- Name
- Provides a space where you can enter the name for the view you are creating.
- Description
- Provides a space where you can enter a description for the view you are creating.
- Criteria tab
- Limits results displayed in the view. This tab contains the
following options:
- Show data related to: Displays the Management Pack
target type you selected by using the ellipsis button.
- Ellipsis (…) button: Opens the Select a Target
Type dialog box, where you can browse for and select a
Management Pack target.
- Ellipsis (…) button: Opens the Select a Target
Type dialog box, where you can browse for and select a
Management Pack target.
- Show data contained in a specific group: Displays the
Management Group object that you choose with the Ellipsis
(…) button.
- Ellipsis (…) button: Opens the Select Object
dialog box, where you can browse Management Group objects.
- Clear: Clears a selected Management Group object from
Show data contained in a specific group.
- Ellipsis (…) button: Opens the Select Object
dialog box, where you can browse Management Group objects.
- Criteria conditions: Lists conditions available for the
Management Pack target type that you can select.
- Criteria description (click the underlined value to
edit) tab: Opens a dialog box when you click an underlined
criteria value so that you can enter or select properties that
filter results displayed in the view.
- Show data related to: Displays the Management Pack
target type you selected by using the ellipsis button.
- Display tab
- Displays time range and chart options used to display view
results. This tab contains the following options:
- Date and Time: Contains options that determine whether
view results are based on all data or data for a specific period of
- Chart: Indicates the type of chart to render in the
- X Axis: Displays x-axis choices that you use to affect
how the horizontal axis is displayed.
- Change: Opens the Color dialog box, where you can
choose the color that defines this axis.
- Change: Opens the Color dialog box, where you can
choose the color that defines this axis.
- Y Axis: Displays y-axis choices that you use to affect
how the vertical axis is displayed.
- Change: Opens the Color dialog box, where you can
choose the color that defines this axis.
- Change: Opens the Color dialog box, where you can
choose the color that defines this axis.
- Preview: Displays a sample view, based on the type of
chart you choose with Chart.
- Date and Time: Contains options that determine whether
view results are based on all data or data for a specific period of
If you are creating a diagram view, this dialog box contains the following elements.
- Name
- Provides a space where you can enter the name of your diagram view.
- Description
- Provides a space where you can enter a description for your diagram view.
- Choose target
- Shows the name of the target monitoring object you selected.
- Browse
- Opens the Select Object dialog box, where you can select a target monitoring object.
- Choose from a template
- Specifies that you want to create the diagram view from a template and provides a drop-down list of available templates.
- View Details
- Opens the View Template message box, where you can view the XML description of the template. You cannot modify the template. If you want to customize a template, select Create your own template.
- Create your own template
- Specifies that you want to use a template that you created. Enables the tabs Diagram Properties, Object Properties, and Line Properties.
- Diagram Properties
- Contains the following elements:
- Levels to Show, which provides a spin box with which you
can specify the number of levels to be shown when the diagram view
is first opened.
- Layout Direction, which provides a drop-down list with
available layout directions.
- Levels to Show, which provides a spin box with which you
can specify the number of levels to be shown when the diagram view
is first opened.
- Object Properties
- Contains the following elements:
- Containment Style, which presents a choice of Box
or Non Box.
- Nodes Per Row, which provides a spin box with which you
can specify the number of nodes to appear in one row of a box
- Containment Style, which presents a choice of Box
or Non Box.
- Line Properties
- Enables you to select the following properties for containment
lines and non-containment lines:
- Color, which provides a color box that you can click to
open the Color dialog box and choose a color.
- Style, which provides a drop-down list of line
- Width, which provides a spin box with which you can
select a width for the line.
- Color, which provides a color box that you can click to
open the Color dialog box and choose a color.
- Create
- Creates the diagram view.
If you are creating a Web page view, this dialog box contains the following elements.
- Name
- Provides a space where you can enter the name of your Web page view.
- Description
- Provides a space where you can enter a description for your Web page view.
- Target Web site
- Provides a space where you can enter a uniform resource locator (URL) address used to display in the Web page view.
If you are creating a dashboard view, this dialog box contains the following elements.
- Name
- Provides a space where you can enter the name of your diagram view.
- Description
- Provides a space where you can enter a description for your diagram view.
- Display
- Lists the number of panels that are displayed in the dashboard view and determines the view layout. After you create the new view, the Click to add a view link appears in the view. Clicking the link opens the Select View dialog box, where you can browse existing views and insert one into the selected panel.