Use the Utilization of WAN links page to view the utilization of WAN connections in the capacity model. You can also view the source and destination of the connections.

If you think you might have resources that are underutilized or over-utilized, or if you think transactions have unacceptably high latency, see Over-Utilized Resources and High-Latency Transactions.

You can change the sort order of the connections by performing the following step.

To change the sort order of connections

The following elements appear on the Utilization of Connections page.


General health of the hardware resource, indicating whether the threshold of the resource is at one of the following levels:
  • Above the device utilization threshold, indicated by a red X icon.

  • Within 5 percent of the device utilization threshold, indicated by a yellow exclamation point icon.

  • Less than 5 percent of the device utilization threshold, indicated by a green checkmark icon.

Source Site

Name of the site where the connection originates.
Remote site/WAN cloud

Name of the remote site or WAN where the connection ends.
% Busy (Downlink)

Average utilization of the network connection when receiving, in percentage of total utilization. Capacity Planner calculates utilization between sites based upon available network bandwidth.
% Busy (Uplink)

Average utilization of the network connection when sending, in percentage of total utilization. Capacity Planner calculates utilization between sites based upon available network bandwidth.

The speed and percentage of available bandwidth of the network connection. Available uplink and downlink capacity is also shown, respectively.
Details of the site-to-site link

Shows the name of the networks that are connected to by the selected site-to-site connection.
Details of site-to-Internet link

Shows the following elements associated with the selected site-to-Internet connection for e-mail messages that are being sent or if external e-mail messages are being received.Simulation results that appear in this pane display the same site name under Remote and Source sites. The Remote site should be labeled as either Internet or <WANName>, depending on the type of connection that the Source site has.
Remote Site/WAN cloud

Name of the remote site or WAN cloud where the connection ends.
Source Site

Name of the site where the connection originates.
% Busy (Downlink)

Average utilization of the Internet connection when receiving data, in percentage of total utilization.
% Busy (Uplink)

Average utilization of the Internet connection when sending data, in percentage of total utilization.

See Also