Perform one of the following procedures to add a new site or new WAN to your capacity model.

After you add a new site to the capacity model, you must perform other tasks if you want to connect it to other site resources and add resources to the site.

After you add a new WAN to the capacity model, you connect it to resources that utilize it.

For a list of other tasks you can perform with the Capacity Planner Model Editor, see Capacity Planner Model Editor.

To add sites to the capacity model

  1. In the General Actions pane, click Add new site.

  2. In the Add a new site action dialog, enter the required information.

  3. Repeat steps 1–2 for each new site to add.

To add WANs to the capacity model

  1. In the General Actions pane, click Add new WAN.

  2. In the Add a new WAN action dialog, enter the required information.

  3. In the Latency list, click the latency of the WAN connection you are defining.

  4. Select or clear Use as an alternative site-to-site route.

  5. Repeat steps 1–4 for each new WAN that you want to add.

See Also