Use this action dialog to modify profiles or to copy profile templates. This action dialog is available in both the Model Wizard and Model Editor. When you directly modify a default profile, all clients or servers in the capacity model that use the default profile that you edit are affected. However, you can copy a default profile template to create a new profile and then apply the profile to either a discrete group of client computers with the Edit Client Profile action in the Model Editor or to an individual server computer when you use the Edit server role action.

Usage profiles contain parameters for all services that can be modeled for an application, including services that are not being used in a capacity model. When a service is not being used, its usage profile parameters are ignored by Capacity Planner.

The following elements appear in the Edit usage profile action dialog.

Server templates

Shows server usage profile templates.
Client templates

Shows client usage profile templates.
Select Usage Profile

Designates the usage profile that you want to modify or copy.
Profile Name

If you selected a default profile, enter the name to copy the profile to. If you selected a profile you created previously, enter the name to rename to. Long profile names may appear truncated.

Deletes the selected usage profile that you have previously created. You cannot delete default profiles.

Creates a copy of the selected usage profile.
Profile Characteristics, per client

Based upon your application model and template type (server or client) different profile characteristics tabs are displayed.
  • For server usage profiles, you can update values on various tabs to define how resources are utilized.

  • For client usage profiles, you can update various tabs to define how client applications for a group of computers interact with one or more server components.

To view the profile characters applicable to the application model you are using, see the Customize Usage Profiles Help topic for your model. For more information, see the following Profile Characteristics, Per Client section.

Profile Characteristics, Per Client

Server template characteristics for data read I/Os, data write I/Os, and log write I/Os are provided as parameters for expert users who want to plan for the impact of other features and applications on their Exchange mailbox servers. In addition to the disk load generated by the capacity model, the disk load from these three parameters is added to the total disk load. Capacity Planner assumes that all of these I/Os are for fixed 4k blocks. Therefore, every additional I/O causes an additional 4096 bytes to be read or written in a single I/O.

The following tabs and parameters appear under Profile characteristics, per client for server templates:

  • Simple tab

    Defines additional background load you want to include for each unclustered mailbox server.

  • Single Copy Cluster tab

    Defines additional background load you want to include for mailbox servers that use single copy clustering.

  • Local Continuous Replication tab

    Defines additional background load you want to include for mailbox servers that use local continuous replication.

  • Cluster Continuous Replication tab

    Defines additional background load you want to include for mailbox servers that use cluster continuous replication.

Each server tab has the following elements:

  • Additional data read I/Os per second per mailbox

  • Additional data write I/Os per second per mailbox

  • Additional log write I/Os per second per mailbox

The following tabs and parameters appear under Profile characteristics, per client for client templates:

  • Inbox tab

    The Inbox client represents one or more user inboxes on a Mailbox server. The client Count in each user profile represents the number of user inboxes. The parameters of an inbox are the basic properties of all the user inboxes that it represents: their size, incoming e-mail traffic, average message size (both incoming and outgoing), and the percentage of e-mail sent from each inbox that goes to the Internet. Each inbox must be mapped to a Mailbox, but multiple inboxes may be mapped to the same Mailbox. This is how different groups of users who are on the same server but have different mailbox sizes are represented.

    The outgoing traffic from an inbox is determined by the particular clients that are mapped to the inbox.

    The Inbox tab contains the following elements:

    • Inbox quota, in megabytes

    • Average size of an email message, in kilobytes

    • Total email messages received per day

    • Percentage of email sent to and received from the Internet

    • Increased load factor during peak work hours

  • Outlook (online) tab

    This tab represents clients that use Outlook online.

    • Messages sent per day from this client

  • Outlook (cached) tab

    This tab represents clients that use Outlook (cached).

    • Messages sent per day from this client

  • Outlook Anywhere tab

    This tab represents clients that use Outlook Anywhere.

    • Messages sent per day from this client

  • Outlook Web Access tab

    This tab represents clients that use Outlook Web Access.

    • Logons per day

    • Messages sent per day

    • Messages opened per day

    • Messages moved per day

    • Messages deleted per day

    • Folders browsed per day

    • Calendar browses per day

    • Meetings opened per day

    • Meetings created per day

    • Meetings deleted per day

    • Contact browses per day

    • Contacts opened per day

    • Contacts created per day

See Also