The PostoneUpdatesToNonBusinessHours WMI class method, in Configuration Manager, postpones a set of software updates to automatically install in non-business hours, which are specified by the user.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and defines the method.

UInt32 PostponeUpdatesToNonBusinessHours(
	 [IN]  CCM_SoftwareUpdate CCMUpdates[],
	 [IN]  Boolean RebootImmediatelyAfterInstall



Data type: CCM_SoftwareUpdateQualifiers: [in]Array of software updates to be installed.

Data type: BooleanQualifiers: [in]true if the computer restarts immediately after the installation; otherwise, false.

Return Values

A UInt32 data type that is 0 to indicate success or nonzero to indicate failure.

For information about handling returned errors, see About Configuration Manager Errors.



Runtime Requirements

Development Requirements

See Also