The ICcmContentTransferManager4 interface is used by clients to invoke the Content Transfer Manager.
[ uuid(4712C69C-F3A1-4DC0-B894-AFFA08738CD2), object, pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICcmContentTransferManager4 : IUnknown { HRESULT DownloadContentEx3( LPCWSTR szContentId, LPCWSTR szContentVersion, CCM_CONTENTTYPE eContentType, CCM_CONTENTPRIORITY Priority, DWORD dwDTSFlags, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR szOriginalPath, LPCWSTR szTempPath LPCWSTR szDestPath, LPCWSTR szMetaDestPath, REFGUID NotifyClsId, DWORD dwNotifyKBytes, LPCWSTR szOwnerSID, DWORD dwLocationTimeout, DWORD dwDownloadTimeout, DWORD dwPerDPInactivityTimeout, DWORD dwTotalInactivityTimeout, LPCWSTR szSignatureHash, DWORD dwMaxChunkBatchSize, LPCWSTR szAltProvSettings, GUID *pJobID ); } |
- szContentId
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in]The content/package ID to download.
- szContentVersion
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in]The content/package version to download.
- eContentType
- Data type: CCM_CONTENTTYPEQualifiers: [in]eContentType …
- Priority
- Data type: CCM_CONTENTPRIORITYQualifiers: [in]Priority …
- dwDTSFlags
- Data type: DWORDQualifiers: [in]See the CCM_DTS_FLAG enumeration.
- dwFlags
- Data type: DWORDQualifiers: [in]See the CCM_CONTENTFLAG enumeration.
- szOriginalPath
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in, unique]The previous source directory, may be NULL.
- szTempPath
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in, unique]The temporary work directory, may be NULL.
- szDestPath
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in]The destination directory.
- szMetaDestPath
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in, unique]The destination directory for metadata.
- NotifyClsId
- Data type: REFGUIDQualifiers: [in]The notification handler CLSID.
- dwNotifyKBytes
- Data type: DWORDQualifiers: [in]dwNotifyKBytes …
- szOwnerSID
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in]The user context in which the download should be performed.
- dwLocationTimeout
- Data type: DWORDQualifiers: [in]The location request timeout in seconds.
- dwDownloadTimeout
- Data type: DWORDQualifiers: [in]The download request timeout in seconds.
- dwPerDPInactivityTimeout
- Data type: DWORDQualifiers: [in]The download inactivity timeout per distribution point in seconds.
- dwTotalInactivityTimeout
- Data type: DWORDQualifiers: [in]The total download inactivity timeout in seconds.
- szSignatureHash
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in, unique]The hexadecimal encoded hash of signature file for delta download, may be NULL.
- dwMaxChunkBatchSize
- Data type: DWORDQualifiers: [in]The maximum number of chunks to download at once.
- szAltProvSettings
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in, unique]The XML used to
describe allowed alternate download providers and settings for
each, may be NULL.
Copy Code <AlternateDownloadSettings SchemaVersion=”1.0”> <Provider Name=”logical name here”> <Data>provider specific data here</Data> </Provider> <Provider Name=”logical name here”> <Data>provider specific data here</Data> </Provider> </AlternateDownloadSettings>
- *pJobID
- Data type: GUIDQualifiers: [in]The job ID which should be used for reference on subsequent calls.
Return Values
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Development Requirements.