Microsoft Operations Manager |
The GetUserNameFromSessionIDmethod gets the user name from a specified session ID.
TermServer.GetUserNameFromSessionID(SessionID Variant, UserName
Variant, [ComputerName Variant])
The following example shows how to get the user name associated with the given session ID.
Function GetAccountName(lngSessionID)
Dim objTermServer, blnOK, strUserName
Set objTermServer = CreateObject("OpScrUtil.TermServer")
blnOK = objTermServer.GetUserNameFromSessionID(lngSessionID,
If (blnOK = False) Then
strUserName = "GetUserNameFromSessionID Failed. The error
is " & objTermServer.GetError()
End If
Set objTermServer = Nothing
GetAccountName = strUserName
End Function
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 or later
Version: Requires MOM 1.0 SP1
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