Microsoft Operations Manager |
The IsAlertmethod determines whether the object provided to the script by MOM is an Alertobject.
[VBScript] ScriptContext.IsAlert()
Long Integer
The following example shows how to determine whether the object provided to the script by MOM is an Alertobject.
Function CreateNewAlert()
Dim objCreatedAlert
Dim objAlert
Set objCreatedAlert = ScriptContext.CreateAlert()
If (ScriptContext.IsAlert()) Then
Set objAlert = ScriptContext.Alert
objCreatedAlert.Name = objAlert.Name
objCreatedAlert.AlertLevel = 50
objCreatedAlert.Owner = "[unassigned]"
objCreatedAlert.ResolutionState = 0 ' New
Set objCreatedAlert = Nothing
End If
Set objAlert = Nothing
Set CreateNewAlert = objCreatedAlert
End Function
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 or later
Version: Requires MOM 1.0 SP1
ScriptContext Object, Alert Object
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