Microsoft Operations Manager |
The GetServiceConfigmethod gets the configuration parameters of the specified service.
SCManager.GetServiceConfig(ServiceName String, Request String,
OutInfo Variant, [ComputerName Variant])
Specifies which configuration item to retrieve. Possible values are Type, Start Type, Error Control, Binary Path, Dependencies, Display Name, Load Order Group, and Start Name.
The following example shows how to get the binary path for the messenger service on the local computer.
Dim objSCManager, blnOK, vntPath
Set objSCManager = CreateObject("OpScrUtil.SCManager")
blnOK = objSCManager.GetServiceConfig("messenger", "binary path",
vntPath, "")
Set objSCManager = Nothing
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 or later
Version: Requires MOM 1.0 SP1
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