Microsoft Operations Manager |
The Valueproperty gets the numeric value of the performance data.
[VBScript] PerfData.Value
The Valueproperty is read-only when used with performance data provided to the script by MOM. The property is read/write when used with new performance data created with the ScriptContext.CreatePerfDatamethod.
The following example shows how to check the performance data value to see if it is within a specified range.
Function IsPerfDataWithinRange(objPerfData, dblMinValue,
Dim blnIsInRange
Dim dblValue
blnIsInRange = False
dblValue = objPerfData.Value
If ((dblValue >= dblMinValue) And (dblValue <=
dblMaxValue)) Then
blnIsInRange = True
End If
IsPerfDataWithinRange = blnIsInRange
End Function
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 or later
Version: Requires MOM 1.0 SP1
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