Microsoft Operations Manager |
The Initializemethod sets the Microsoft Exchange server name where MTA logs will be analyzed and locates the MTA logs.
MTALogAnalyzer.Initialize(ExchangeServer Variant, [LogDir Variant])
If the logs cannot be located, this method returns False.
The following example shows how to set the MTALogAnalyzerobject to the EXCHSERVER1 Exchange server.
Dim objMTALogAnalyzer, blnOK
Set objMTALogAnalyzer = CreateObject("McExchg.MTALogAnalyzer")
blnOK = objMTALogAnalyzer.Initialize("EXCHSERVER1")
If Not(blnOK) Then
strError = objMTALogAnalyzer.GetError()
End If
Set objMTALogAnalyzer = Nothing
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 or later
Version: Requires MOM 1.0 SP1
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