Microsoft Operations Manager |
The Pingmethod pings the specified host and measures the response time.
[VBScript] INet.Ping(Address String, Data
Variant, RoundTripMs Variant, [TimeOut Variant])
The following example shows how to ping the server, raising an alert if the ping fails or it takes longer than 500 milliseconds.
Dim objINet
Dim blnOK, lngRoundTripMs
Dim strData, strError
Set objINet = CreateObject("OpScrUtil.INet")
blnOK = objINet.Ping("", strData, lngRoundTripMs)
If (blnOK) Then
If (lngRoundTripMs > 500) Then
'Raise an alert
End If
strError = objINet.GetError()
'Create an alert
End If
Set objINet = Nothing
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 or later
Version: Requires MOM 1.0 SP1
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