Microsoft Operations Manager

Alternatives to the EventLog Object

For new scripts, use the following methods and properties of the Win32_NTEventlogFileWMI class to achieve equivalent results.

Deprecated members Equivalents
EventLog.BackupEventLog BackupEventlogmethod of the Win32_NTEventlogFileWMI class
EventLog.ClearEventLog ClearEventlogmethod of the Win32_NTEventlogFileWMI class
EventLog.GetNumberOfEventLogRecords NumberOfRecordsproperty of the Win32_NTEventlogFileWMI class


' Routine: Function BackupEventLog
' Purpose: A replacement for the EventLog.BackupEventLog method
' Notes: Additional credentials are required to work with the 
'		 Security event log.
Function BackupEventLog(strEventLogName, strOutputFolderName, ByRef
strSavedFileName, strComputer)
	Dim objEventlogFiles, objEventlogFile
	Dim strBackupLogName
	Dim lngResult
	Dim strQuery

	strBackupLogName =  "OMEventLog_" & strEventLogName &
"_" & _ 
						Month(Now) & "_" & Day(Now()) &
"_" & Hour(Now()) _ 
						 & "_" & Minute(Now()) & "_"
& Second(Now()) & ".evt"

	strSavedFileName = strOutputFolderName & "/" &

	strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NTEventLogFile WHERE
LogfileName='" & strEventLogName & "'"
	Set objEventlogFiles =

	For Each objEventlogFile In objEventlogFiles
	 lngResult = objEventlogFile.BackupEventlog(strSavedFileName)

	Set objEventlogFiles = Nothing
	Set objEventlogFile =  Nothing

	BackupEventLog = lngResult
End Function

' Routine: Function ClearEventLog
' Purpose: A replacement for the EventLog.ClearEventLog method
' Notes: Additional credentials are required to work with the 
'		 Security event log.
Function ClearEventLog(strEventLogName, strOutputFolderName, ByRef
strSavedFileName, strComputer)
	Dim objEventlogFile, objEventlogFiles
	Dim lngResult
	Dim strQuery

	strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NTEventLogFile WHERE
LogfileName='" & strEventLogName & "'"
	Set objEventlogFiles =

	For Each objEventlogFile In objEventlogFiles
		' BackupEventLog - uses the function in the previous
	 BackupEventLog(strEventLogName, strOutputFolderName,
strSavedFileName, strComputer)
	 lngResult = objEventlogFile.ClearEventlog()

	Set objEventlogFiles = Nothing
	Set objEventlogFile =  Nothing

	ClearEventLog = lngResult
End Function

' Routine: Function GetNumberOfEventLogRecords
' Purpose: A replacement for EventLog.GetNumberOfEventLogRecords
' Notes: Additional credentials are required to work with the 
'		 Security event log.
Function GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(strEventLogName, ByRef
lngNumRecords, strComputer)
	Dim objEventlogFiles, objEventlogFile
	Dim strQuery

	strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NTEventLogFile WHERE
LogfileName='" & strEventLogName & "'"
	Set objEventlogFiles =

	For Each objEventlogFile In objEventlogFiles
	 lngNumRecords = objEventlogFile.NumberOfRecords

	Set objEventlogFiles = Nothing
	Set objEventlogFile = Nothing

	GetNumberOfEventLogRecords = lngNumRecords
End Function

For more information about the Win32_NTEventlogFileclass, see the Windows Management Instrumentation SDK.

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