Microsoft Operations Manager |
The Serverproperty gets or sets the domain controller where Active Directory bind operations are to occur.
[VBScript] ActiveDirectory.Server
You can set either the Serverproperty or the Domainproperty, but you should not set both. If both properties are assigned values, the Serverproperty takes precedence.
The following example shows how to determine the bind time to the PDC master of a specific domain controller.
Dim objActiveDirectory
Dim lngBindTime
Set objActiveDirectory =
objActiveDirectory.Server = "Server1"
If (objActiveDirectory.BindPDCMaster()) Then
lngBindTime = objActiveDirectory.PDCMasterBind
End If
Set objActiveDirectory = Nothing
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 or later
Version: Requires MOM 1.0 SP1
ActiveDirectory Object, ActiveDirectory.Domain Property
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