Microsoft Operations Manager |
The Domainproperty gets or sets the domain to indicate where Active Directory bind operations are to occur.
[VBScript] ActiveDirectory.Domain
You can set either the Serverproperty or the Domainproperty, but you should not set both. If both properties are assigned values, the Serverproperty takes precedence.
The following example performs a bind operation and determines the average bind time to Active Directory.
Function GetAverageTimeToBindToPDC(strDomain)
Dim objActiveDirectory
Dim lngBindTotal, lngBindCount, fAverageBindTime
Set objActiveDirectory =
objActiveDirectory.Domain = strDomain
If (objActiveDirectory.BindPDCMaster()) Then
lngBindTotal = objActiveDirectory.BindTotal
lngBindCount = objActiveDirectory.BindCount
If (lngBindCount > 0) Then
fAverageBindTime = lngBindTotal / lngBindCount
End If
End If
Set objActiveDirectory = Nothing
GetAverageTimeToBindToPDC = fAverageBindTime
End Function
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 or later
Version: Requires MOM 1.0 SP1
ActiveDirectory Object, ActiveDirectory.Server Property
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