Public Properties (see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property ElementReference  Gets a reference to the Management Pack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElementInfo)
public property HtmlContent  Gets or sets an HTML-based knowledge article. Any HTML can be used. HTML articles are generated when an Operations Manager 2005 Management Pack is converted. (inherited from ManagementPackKnowledgeArticle)
public property Id  Gets a GUID identifier for the Management Pack element information. (inherited from ManagementPackElementInfo)
public property LanguageCode  Gets the three-letter language code for the language pack used by the knowledge article. (inherited from ManagementPackKnowledgeArticle)
public property LastModified  Gets the time (UTC time) when the item was last modified. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
public property MamlContent  Gets or sets an XML-based knowledge article using the Microsoft AML schema (MAML). (inherited from ManagementPackKnowledgeArticle)
public property ManagementGroup Gets the Management Group that this object was instantiated in.
public property ManagementGroupId Gets a GUID identifier for the Management Group that this object was instantiated in.
public property Status  Gets the current status of the item. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
public property SubElementName  Gets the name of the child element to this Management Pack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElementInfo)
public property TimeAdded  Gets the time (UTC time) when the item was created. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
public property Visible  Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether this knowledge article should be visible to the Operations Manager user. (inherited from ManagementPackKnowledgeArticle)
public property XmlTag  Gets the XML element tag that is defined by this type. (inherited from ManagementPackKnowledgeArticle)

Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property memberstatus  Gets or sets the status of this item. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)

See Also

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