Class | Description |
AgentPendingActionException | Represents the exception that is thrown because an operation could not be performed while an agent is completing an action. |
AuthorizationStoreNotFoundException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the authorization store is unable to be found. |
ColumnDefinition | This class supports the Operations Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
ConcurrentUpdateException | Represents the exception that is thrown when you are unable to perform an operation because the timestamp of the object being used is older than the current timestamp. |
ConfigServiceUnavailableException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the configuration service is unavailable. The inner exception should give more information about the error. |
ConfigurationSearchException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the configuration service cannot perform a search operation. The inner exception should give more information about the error. |
ConnectionSettings | Creates connection settings for all Management Group connections. |
ConnectorAlreadyExistsException | Represents the exception that is thrown when a connector already exists. |
ConnectorAlreadyInStateException | Represents the exception that is thrown when a connector is already in state. |
ConnectorDoesNotOwnObjectException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the connector does not own an object. |
ConnectorInvalidException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the connector is invalid. |
CreatableMonitoringBase | An abstract class that is the base of all MonitoringBase objects that can be created and updated inline. |
CreatableMonitoringBaseWithId | An abstract class that is the base for all IMonitoringBase objects with an identifier that can be created and updated inline. |
CreateSystemUserRoleNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown when you cannot create user roles with IsSystem specified. |
DataAccessLayerException | Represents the exception that is thrown when there is an error accessing data that is layer-specific. |
DatabaseObjectDoesNotExistException | Represents the exception that is thrown when there is an error accessing layer-specific data because a database object does not exist. |
DatabaseUnavailableException | Represents the exception that is thrown when you are unable to connect to a database to perform a requested operation. The inner exception should give more information about the error. |
DataItemDoesNotExistException | Represents the exception that is thrown when there is a layer-specific data access error because an item does not exist that is required to complete a query. |
DeleteSystemUserRoleNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown when you cannot delete user roles with IsSystem specified. |
DeserializationException | Represents the exception that is thrown when type information could not be found when reconnecting to a Management Group. |
DiscoveryDataAbstractMonitoringClassIdNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because an abstract monitoring class identifier is not allowed in a discovery data item. |
DiscoveryDataAbstractRelationshipTypeIdNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the abstract relationship type identifier is not allowed in a discovery data item. |
DiscoveryDataDiscoverySourceNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the discovery source in a discovery data item is not allowed. |
DiscoveryDataFromRuleTargetedToDeletedMonitoringObjectException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid managed entity identifier specified in the discovery data item. |
DiscoveryDataInvalidMonitoringClassIdException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring class identifier specified in the discovery data item. |
DiscoveryDataInvalidMonitoringClassPropertyValueException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring class property specified in the discovery data item. The property value needs to adhere to the type. |
DiscoveryDataInvalidRelationshipSourceException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid relationship source specified in the discovery data item. |
DiscoveryDataInvalidRelationshipSourceRoleTypeIdException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid relationship source type identifier specified in the discovery data item. |
DiscoveryDataInvalidRelationshipTargetException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid relationship target specified in the discovery data item. |
DiscoveryDataInvalidRelationshipTargetRoleTypeIdException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid relationship target type identifier specified in the discovery data item. |
DiscoveryDataInvalidRelationshipTypeIdException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid relationship type identifier specified in the discovery data item. |
DiscoveryDataMissingKeyException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is a missing key property in the discovery data item. |
DiscoveryDataMonitoringClassPropertyValueAlreadyExistsException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a monitoring class property value already exists in the discovery data item. You should check for duplicate property values when this exception is thrown. |
DiscoveryDataPropertyNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because property in a discovery data item is not allowed. |
DiscoveryDataRelationshipNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the relationship in a discovery data item is not allowed. |
DiscoveryDataUnresolvedMonitoringClassPropertyNameException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an unresolved monitoring class property name in the discovery data item. You can try to use fully qualified names to avoid this exception. |
EditSystemUserRoleNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown when you are not allowed to edit system user roles. |
EventDataValidationFailureException | Represents the exception that is thrown because event data failed to be validated. |
HealthServiceUnavailableException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the health service is unavailable. The inner exception that caused this exception contains more details about the problem. |
InconsistentDataException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a method call produced inconsistent results. The data on the client does not match the data returned from the server. This can be caused by the client-side cache being out of sync with the server data. |
InvalidConnectionException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is a data-access-layer-specific problem indicating that an opened connection is no longer valid. |
InvalidCriteriaException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the criteria could not be parsed. |
InvalidDatabaseDataException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the data retrieved from the database is invalid. |
InvalidJobConfigurationException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the job configuration is invalid. The inner exception that caused the current exception gives more details about why the exception was thrown. |
InvalidMonitoringClassInUserRoleScopeException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring class specified in the user role scope. |
InvalidMonitoringDiagnosticException | Represents the exception that is thrown when a diagnostic is not valid for the current monitoring object or state change event. |
InvalidMonitoringObjectInUserRoleScopeException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring object specified in the user role scope. |
InvalidMonitoringProfileException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the profile that is specified for the user role is not valid. |
InvalidMonitoringRecoveryException | Represents the exception that is thrown when a recovery is not valid for the current monitoring object or state change event. |
InvalidMonitoringTaskInUserRoleScopeException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring task specified in the user role scope. |
InvalidMonitoringUserRoleNameException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid user role or description. Make sure the characters and the number of characters for the user role or description are valid. |
InvalidMonitoringViewInUserRoleScopeException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring view that is specified in the user role scope. |
InvalidReaderException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a reader was invalid. |
LocationMonitoringObjectCertificateNotFoundException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the certificate for the location monitoring object was not found. |
LocationMonitoringObjectNotAvailableException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a location monitoring object instance is not available. |
LocationMonitoringObjectNotFoundException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a location monitoring object instance was not found. |
LocationMonitoringObjectNotManagedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a location monitoring object instance is not managed. |
ManagementPackException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is a problem processing or parsing a Management Pack. |
ManagementPackExceptionMessages | Allows you to get localized exception messages for the Management Pack-based exceptions that are listed in the ManagementPackExceptionCode enumeration. |
ManagementServersImmutableException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the management server cannot be changed. |
MissingUserInSystemUserRoleException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the system user role does not have a user assigned to it. The system user role must have at least one user assigned to it. |
MissingUserRoleException | Represents the exception that is thrown because there is no user role to insert or update. |
MonitoringBase | The abstract base class for all the connected Operations Manager objects. |
MonitoringBaseWithId | The abstract base class for all the connected Operations Manager objects with identifiers. |
MonitoringClassInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a monitoring class already exists in the user role scope. Check for duplicate assignments. |
MonitoringClassInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the monitoring class is not allowed in the user role scope. The profile associated with the user role does not allow the monitoring class to be specified. |
MonitoringException | Represents the base exception class for all Operations Manager exceptions. |
MonitoringHierarchyNode | Represents a node in a hierarchy of T objects, where T is the type of the objects. |
MonitoringObjectInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a monitoring object already exists in the user role scope. Check for duplicate assignments. |
MonitoringObjectInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the monitoring object is not allowed in the user role scope. The profile associated with the user role does not allow the monitoring object to be specified. |
MonitoringTaskInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a monitoring task already exists in the user role scope. Check for duplicate assignments. |
MonitoringTaskInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the monitoring task is not allowed in the user role scope. The profile associated with the user role does not allow the monitoring task to be specified. |
MonitoringViewInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a monitoring view already exists in the user role scope. Check for duplicate assignments. |
MonitoringViewInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the monitoring view is not allowed in the user role scope. The profile associated with the user role does not allow the monitoring view to be specified. |
MultipleUsersInSystemUserRoleException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the Operations Manager Administrator user role cannot have multiple users assigned to it. It must have one user assigned to it. |
NullConstraintException | Represents a data access layer specific exception that is thrown because an item that cannot be null was set to null. |
ObjectAlreadyExistsException | Represents the exception that is thrown when an object is unable to be created because the object already exists. |
ObjectNotConnectedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a connection has not been established. |
ObjectNotFoundException | Represents the exception that is thrown because an object could not be found. |
Pair | Combines two types into one type. |
QueryCriteria | The abstract base class that criteria classes derive from. Criteria classes are used to specify criteria for various methods, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria. |
QueryDefinitionDoesNotExistException | Represents the data access layer specific exception that is thrown because a query definition does not exist. |
QueryGrammarException | Represents the exception that is thrown because an error occurred related to the grammar (syntax) of a query. |
Result | This class supports the Operations Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
ResultSet | This class supports the Operations Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
SdkServiceNotInitializedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the Operations Manager SDK service is not initialized or started. |
ServerDisconnectedException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the client has been disconnected from the server. |
ServiceNotRunningException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the service is not running. |
SubmitJobException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a job submission failed. The inner exception error message can be checked for more information about the error. |
TieredMonitoringException | Represents the exception that is thrown because an error occurred while processing a method for a Management Group. |
TieringSetupException | Represents the exception that is thrown because an error occurred while setting up a tiered Management Group. |
UnauthorizedAccessMonitoringException | Represents the exception that is thrown when an authorization manager unauthorized access error occurs. |
UndeclaredTemplateReferenceException | Represents the exception that is thrown during template processing when one of the references of the template is not found in the References section. |
UniquenessConstraintException | Represents the data access layer specific exception that is thrown when an item's value is unexpectedly not unique. |
UnknownAuthorizationStoreException | Represents the exception that is thrown when an operation failed to be completed because of authorization store errors. |
UnknownChannelException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the channel threw an unknown exception. |
UnknownDatabaseException | Represents the exception that is thrown when an operation was unable to be performed because of database errors. |
UnknownServiceException | Represents the exception that is thrown because the service threw an unknown exception. |
UserRoleAdministratorAlreadyExistsException | Represents the exception that is thrown because a user role with the Administrator profile already exists. You cannot create another user role with the same profile. |
UserRoleUserUnresolvedException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the user associated with the user role is unable to be resolved. |
Interface | Description |
IMonitoringBase | Defines the properties and methods for all the connected Operations Manager objects. |
Structure | Description |
LicenseCount | Contains the number of client licenses and server licenses there are for the Operations Manager software. |
Enumeration | Description |
CacheMode | Defines the available cache modes of the client-side interface. |
LicenseSku | Defines the values that represent different license SKUs for the Operations Manager product. |
ManagementPackExceptionCode | Defines the exception codes that are used to define the exceptions that are thrown when working with a Management Pack. To get the message for the exception code, pass the code into the GetMessage method. |
ProductSku | Contains a list of values that define the different products that the Operations Manager is built for. |
TraversalDepth | Defines the level of depth that a method should traverse when returning objects. |
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