The following illustration shows the architecture of the Operations Manager SDK.
The SDK consists of the following components:
- The Operations Manager class libraries
- The Operations Manager Connector Framework
- The Operations Manager script library
For information about the terms used in this documentation, see Operations Manager 2007 SDK Glossary.
Operations Manager Class Libraries
Each Management Group contains a Root Management Server, which hosts an SDK Service. The SDK Service is a Windows service that processes all external requests to access Operations Manager features and data. To access Operations Manager functionality, an application must connect as a client to the SDK Service.
Operations Manager provides two .NET managed code libraries that you can use to connect to the SDK Service, perform Operations Manager functions, and access Operations Manager data. These libraries are:
- Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.dll
These assemblies are installed in the %ProgramFiles%\System Center Operations Manager 2007\SDK Binaries directory when you install Operations Manager 2007. Any application that uses the Operations Manager class libraries is an SDK client application. Several Operations Manager components are SDK client applications, including the Operations Console, the Web Console, and the Operations Manager Command Shell.
For more information about how to develop a custom application by using the Operations Manager class libraries, see Getting Started Developing an SDK Client Application.
Operations Manager Connector Framework
The Operations Manager Connector Framework (OMCF) allows the integration of Operations Manager with third-party management systems.
Applications can access the OMCF in the following ways:
- By using the Operations Manager class libraries - The
Operations Manager class libraries provide access to the same
functionality as the OMCF Web service provides. Using the class
libraries is the preferred method for accessing the framework in
applications that run on Windows-based computers.
- By using a Web service The SDK Service provides a Web service
interface for accessing the framework in applications that run on
non-Windows-based computers.
For more information, see Connecting to External Systems by Using Operations Manager Connectors.
Operations Manager Script Library
The Operations Manager Script library allows you to create scripts that you can add to custom Management Packs. The scripts can execute during discovery or during rule execution or monitoring. The Operations Manager script library consists of a single dynamic-link library, MOMScriptAPI.dll. This library is automatically installed and registered on every Management Server and agent-managed computer in a Management Group. For information about the objects that are provided by the library, see Operations Manager 2007 Scripting Objects and Using Operations Manager Runtime Scripts.
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