Getting Started
Installing Microsoft. Provisioning Framework (MPF)
MPF has an Evaluation Edition and an Enterprise Edition. The Evaluation Edition is a small-scale version of MPF. Since it is intended only for use in evaluation testing, the data store is Microsoft. Data Engine (MSDE), which supports a maximum of five concurrent users and 2 GB of data storage. For superior performance and scalability when running MPF in a data center, you must upgrade to the Enterprise Edition and implement Microsoft. SQL Server 2000. For upgrade instructions, see Upgrading the Evaluation Edition to the Enterprise Edition.
There are two ways to perform a clean install of the Enterprise Edition: by running Setup.exe or by executing an unattended installation from a script, third-party tool, or the command line.
MPF can be installed in one of two modes: local or domain. Local mode is appropriate for stand-alone computers used for development or evaluation installations. For live deployments involving multiple computers, you must install all computers in domain mode if you intend for them to communicate with each other. The section Deploying MPF contains detailed scenarios for single-computer, domain, and clustered deployments.
MPF can be installed on any type of computer (workgroup, member server, or Microsoft. Active Directory. domain controller). The hardware and software prerequisites for each computer are the same. However, requirements vary considerably depending on the MPF components being installed. For detailed information, see System Requirements. Before installing MPF, verify that all computers have these requirements.
Domain installations should be executed by a domain administrator. If this is not possible, a domain administrator must create the Active Directory user accounts and groups needed for MPF on the domain controller computer before a local administrator can install MPF. For instructions, see Domain Installations for Local Administrators.
The MPF SDK contains tools used to develop custom providers, procedures, and namespaces, such as header files and add-ins for Microsoft. Visual Studio.. The SDK is installed separately from MPF and has additional system requirements. For more information, see Installing MPF SDK.
Testing an install
After completing an installation, use the procedure described in Testing an MPF Install to submit sample requests to MPF.
Removing or modifying MPF components
For instructions on partially or completely removing MPF or MPF SDK, see Removing or Modifying MPF Components.
See also
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