Single-Computer Deployment
The Microsoft® Provisioning Framework (MPF) can be installed on any workgroup computer, member server, or Microsoft® Active Directory® domain controller.
The hardware and software prerequisites for installing MPF are the same for all computer types. However, requirements vary depending on the MPF components installed. For detailed information, see System Requirements.
Note The following instructions assume you are installing MPF by running Setup.exe, since single computers are normally installed that way. For information on installing from the command line or script, see Unattended Installations.
Setting up a workgroup computer
Deployment on a workgroup computer is usually done only for development or evaluation purposes. Setup.exe assumes that the installation mode is local, so the Installation Mode screen does not display. (This only displays for member servers.)
After launching Setup.exe, enter the following.
- In the welcome screen, click Next.
- In the License Agreement screen, click I accept the terms in the license agreement, then Next.
- In the Customer Information screen, enter your user name and organization, then click Next.
- In the Setup Type screen, click Typical or Custom, then Next.
Typical installs all MPF components except the ISAPI Extension and Sample Provisioning Website and Database. (To install these components, you must rerun Setup.exe using the Custom option.) Custom installs individual components. If you click Custom, a Custom Setup screen displays in which you de-select the components you do not wish to install. (By default, the components for a typical install are already selected.)- In the MPF Account Passwords screen, enter and confirm the passwords for the MPF service account and/or client account, then click Next.
Depending on the components to be installed, Setup.exe creates a service account and/or a client account in Active Directory. The service account (MPFServiceAcct) is the default user account for the Provisioning Engine, Queue Manager, and Audit and Recovery Manager components. The client account (MPFClientAcct) is the user account for the client that receives provisioning requests submitted to MPF. For more information on how these accounts are used in MPF security, see MPF Accounts.
Note If you cancel an MPF setup, you must delete these accounts manually before re-attempting setup. For more information, see Readme.htm.- In the Ready to Install screen, click Next.
The Installing MPF screen displays.- When installation is finished, a completion screen displays. Make a note of the MPF product ID, then click Finish.
Setting up a member server
Determine in advance whether the deployment is local or domain before executing setup. For a domain deployment, you must either log in as a domain administrator or have a domain administrator set up the required MPF accounts and groups, using the procedure described in Domain Deployment for Local Administrators.
After launching Setup.exe, enter the following.
- In the welcome screen, click Next.
- In the License Agreement screen, click I accept the terms in the license agreement, then Next.
- In the Customer Information screen, enter your user name and organization, then click Next.
- In the Setup Type screen, click Typical or Custom, then Next.
Typical installs all MPF components except the ISAPI Extension and Sample Provisioning Website and Database. (To install these components, you must rerun Setup.exe using the Custom option.) Custom installs individual components. If you click Custom, a Custom Setup screen displays in which you de-select the components you do not wish to install. (By default, the components for a typical install are already selected.)- In the Installation Mode screen, click Local or Domain, then click Next.
Local indicates that the installation is for a stand-alone computer used for development or evaluation purposes. Domain indicates that the installation involves multiple computers that will communicate with each other. The Installation Mode screen displays only for member servers, which can be either local or domain. (If the computer is a workgroup computer, Setup.exe automatically assumes that installation is local; conversely, for domain controllers, it assumes that installation is domain.)- In the MPF Account Passwords screen, enter and confirm the passwords for the MPF service account and/or client account, then click Next.
Depending on the components to be installed, Setup.exe creates a service account and/or a client account in Active Directory. The service account (MPFServiceAcct) is the default user account for the Provisioning Engine, Queue Manager, and Audit and Recovery Manager components. The client account (MPFClientAcct) is the user account for the client that receives provisioning requests submitted to MPF. For more information on how these accounts are used in MPF security, see MPF Accounts.
Note If you cancel an MPF setup, you must delete these accounts manually before re-attempting setup. For more information, see Readme.htm.- In the Ready to Install screen, click Next.
The Installing MPF screen displays.- When installation is finished, a completion screen displays. Make a note of the MPF product ID, then click Finish.
Setting up a domain controller
Due to operational and security requirements, it is unlikely that you will install MPF on a domain controller. However, you can do it.
Setup.exe assumes that the installation mode is domain, so the Installation Mode screen does not display. (This only displays for member servers.)
After launching Setup.exe, enter the following.
- In the welcome screen, click Next.
- In the License Agreement screen, click I accept the terms in the license agreement, then Next.
- In the Customer Information screen, enter your user name and organization, then click Next.
- In the Setup Type screen, click Typical or Custom, then Next.
Typical installs all MPF components except the ISAPI Extension and Sample Provisioning Website and Database. (To install these components, you must rerun Setup.exe using the Custom option.) Custom installs individual components. If you click Custom, a Custom Setup screen displays in which you de-select the components you do not wish to install. (By default, the components for a typical install are already selected.)- In the MPF Account Passwords screen, enter and confirm the passwords for the MPF service account and/or client account, then click Next.
Depending on the components to be installed, Setup.exe creates a service account and/or a client account in Active Directory. The service account (MPFServiceAcct) is the default user account for the Provisioning Engine, Queue Manager, and Audit and Recovery Manager components. The client account (MPFClientAcct) is the user account for the client that receives provisioning requests submitted to MPF. For more information on how these accounts are used in MPF security, see MPF Accounts.
Note If you cancel an MPF setup, you must delete these accounts manually before re-attempting setup. For more information, see Readme.htm.- In the Ready to Install screen, click Next.
The Installing MPF screen displays.- When installation is finished, a completion screen displays. Make a note of the MPF product ID, then click Finish.
Removing MPF
You can remove or modify an MPF installation from Control Panel Add/Remove Programs, Setup.exe, or the command line. For more information, see Removing or Modifying Components.
See Also
Clustered Deployment (4 Computers), Domain Deployment (3 Computers), Getting Started
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