Registry Provider
Updates, queries, and enumerates Microsoft® Windows® registry keys and values on a local or remote computer. Used by Microsoft® Provisioning Framework (MPF).
Program Files\Microsoft Provisioning\Providers\MPFRegistryProv.dll
Name Registry Provider Version 1 Provider Source Provisioning.RegistryProvider.1 Procedures
Procedure Description CreateRegKey Creates a new registry key (based on a given machine, root key, and subkey). CreateRegKeyWithSecurity Creates a registry key and sets values for its security discretionary access control lists (DACLs). CreateRegKeyWithSecurity is a namespace-only procedure that executes CreateRegKey and Active Directory Provider::Update ACL. DeleteRegKey Deletes a registry subkey and all its descendants, along with their values. DeleteRegValue Deletes a named value for a specific registry item. EnumRegKey Executes a shallow (nonrecursive) enumeration of a specified registry key (machine, location, subkey). EnumRegValue Enumerates the values beneath a specified registry key. GetRegKeySecurity Obtains the discretionary access control list (DACL) security settings for a registry key. GetRegKeySecurity is a namespace-only procedure that executes Active Directory Provider::Get DACL. GetRegValue Retrieves the value for a specific registry item. SetRegKeySecurity Sets the discretionary access control list (DACL) security settings for a registry key. SetRegKeySecurity is a namespace-only procedure that executes Active Directory Provider::Update ACL. SetRegValue Sets a registry value to a specific item. Errors
The following table lists the errors returned by this provider.
HRESULT Description 0xC2101068L Invalid 'ace' sub-element name '%1'. 0xC2101069L The 'ace' sub-element '%1' has an invalid value of '%2'. 0xC210106AL Missing 'ace' sub-element '%1'. 0xC210106BL Only one 'ace' sub-element named '%1' is allowed per 'ace'. 0xC210106CL The 'ace' sub-element 'trusteeForm' does not specify an object, but an object was specified. 0xC210106DL The provided ACL was rejected by SetEntriesInAcl. 0xC210106EL %1. 0xC2101839L Failed to get the registry value specified. Machine:'%1', Rootkey:'%2', Subkey:'%3', Item:'%4'. 0xC210183AL Failed to set the registry value specified. Machine:'%1', Rootkey:'%2', Subkey:'%3', Item:'%4'. 0xC210183BL Unable to roll back a set of a registry value. 0xC210183CL Unable to delete registry value specified. Machine:'%1', Rootkey:'%2', Subkey:'%3', Item:'%4'. 0xC210183DL Unable to roll back a delete of a registry value. 0xC210183EL Unable to enumerate registry value for specified input. Machine:'%1', Rootkey:'%2', Subkey:'%3'. 0xC210183FL Unable to create specified registry key. Machine:'%1', Rootkey:'%2', Subkey:'%3'. 0xC2101840L Unable to delete specified registry key. Machine:'%1', Rootkey:'%2', Subkey:'%3'. 0xC2101841L Unable to enumerate specified registry key. Machine:'%1', Rootkey:'%2', Subkey:'%3'. 0xC2101842L Unable to roll back a creation of registry key. 0xC2101843L Unable to roll back a deletion of registry key. See Also
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