CoreRMO::Keep Candidates By Mapping
Identifies candidates (resource instances, resource groups, consumer instances, and consumer groups) that should remain in a candidate set based on their mapping relationship with other instances or groups. Used by Microsoft. Provisioning Framework (MPF).
XML Input Schema
The following code fragment shows the format for sending data to this procedure. For more information on individual elements and attributes, see the Elements and Attributes table.
<executeData>1..1 <candidates>1..1 <targetSet>1..1</targetSet> <relatedFromSet>0..1</relatedFromSet> <relatedToSet>0..1</relatedToSet> <relationship>0..1</relationship> <sourceCategory>0..1</sourceCategory> <targetCategory>0..1</targetCategory> </candidates> </executeData>XML Output Schema
Keep Candidates By Mapping does not return data.
Elements and Attributes
The following table describes the XML elements and attributes. Unless otherwise indicated, the data type is string.
Element Description, relationships, and attributes candidates Description:
Encapsulates data needed to interact with a candidate set.Parent:
relatedFromSet (minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1")
relatedToSet (minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1")
relationship (minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1")
sourceCategory (minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1")
targetCategory (minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1")
targetSet (minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1")executeData Description:
Encapsulates the procedure's input data.Child:
candidates (minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1")relatedFromSet Description:
Set of groups or instances in the "from" side of the relationship. If both relatedFromSet and relatedToSet nodes are specified, the updated candidate set shows the "from" candidates first, followed by the "to" candidates. If neither is specified, no candidates are kept.Parent:
candidatesrelatedToSet Description:
Set of groups or instances in the "to" side of the relationship. If both relatedFromSet and relatedToSet nodes are specified, the updated candidate set consists of the union of the "from" candidates and "to" candidates. If neither is specified, no candidates are kept.Parent:
candidatesrelationship Description:
Name of the relationship that exists between the source and target instances or groups. Can be used to narrow the result set down to those elements that have a given relationship to each other. If not specified, all relationships are kept.Parent:
candidatessourceCategory Description:
Category of the source groups or instances to consider: resourceInstance, resourceGroup, consumerInstance, or consumerGroup. If not specified, all instances and groups in either or both the "from" set or the "to" set are kept.Parent:
candidatestargetCategory Description:
Category of the target groups or instances to consider: resourceInstance, resourceGroup, consumerInstance, or consumerGroup. If not specified, all instances and groups in the opposite end of the relationship are kept.Parent:
candidatestargetSet Description:
Name of the candidate set to keep the instances or groups for.Parent:
Instances or groups of interest are found and added by specifying:
- One or both ends of the mapping relationship.
- The categories of both objects in the relationship.
- The relationship name (optional).
For example, suppose a mapping relationship called "allocation" exists from resourceInstance R to consumerInstance C. ResourceSet is a candidate set containing R and other resource instances. ConsumerSet is a candidate set containing C and other consumer instances. To keep C in ConsumerSet candidate set, you would pass the following XML.
<targetSet>ConsumerSet</targetSet> <relatedFromSet>ResourceSet</relatedFromSet> <relationship>allocation</relationship> <sourceCategory>resourceInstance</sourceCategory> <targetCategory>consumerInstance</targetCategory>To keep R in ResourceSet candidate set, the XML would be:
<targetSet>ResourceSet</targetSet> <relatedToSet>ConsumerSet</relatedToSet> <relationship>allocation</relationship> <sourceCategory>consumerInstance</sourceCategory> <targetCategory>resourceInstance</targetCategory>See Also
CoreRMO Provider, Discard Candidates By Mapping, Find Candidates By Mapping, Resource Manager
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