CoreRMO::Add Resource Group To Candidates
Adds a resource group to a candidate set and optionally assigns the group a rank. Used by Microsoft. Provisioning Framework (MPF).
XML Input Schema
The following code fragment shows the format for sending data to this procedure. For more information on individual elements and attributes, see the Elements and Attributes table.
<executeData>1..1 <resourceGroup>1..1 <groupName>1..1</groupName> </resourceGroup> <candidates>1..1 <targetSet>1..1</targetSet> <rank>0..1</rank> </candidates> </executeData>XML Output Schema
Add Resource Group To Candidates does not return data.
Elements and Attributes
The following table describes the XML elements and attributes. Unless otherwise indicated, the data type is string.
Element Description, relationships, and attributes candidates Description:
Encapsulates the data needed to interact with a candidate set.Parent:
rank (minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1")
targetSet (minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1")executeData Description:
Encapsulates the procedure's input data.Children:
candidates (minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1")
resourceGroup (minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1")groupName Description:
Name of the resource group. The resource group will not be re-added if the group already exists in the candidate set.Parent:
resourceGrouprank Description:
Integer that specifies the rank to assign to the resource group when it is added to the candidate set. If not specified, the default value is null.Parent:
candidatesresourceGroup Description:
Encapsulates data needed to describe a resource group.Parent:
groupName (minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1")targetSet Description:
Name of the candidate set to add the resource group to.Parent:
<request> <data/> <procedure> <execute procedure="Add Resource Group To Candidates" namespace="CoreRMO"> <executeData> <candidates> <targetSet>groupSet</targetSet> </candidates> <resourceGroup> <groupName>BroadBandServerGroup</groupName> </resourceGroup> </executeData> </execute> </procedure> </request>See Also
Add Candidates to Candidates, Add Consumer Group to Candidates, Add Consumer Instance, Add Resource Instance, CoreRMO Provider, Delete Mapping, Find Candidates By Mapping, Find Consumers, Find Resources, Keep Candidates By Mapping, Resource Manager
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