Implements functions that support resource management based on fixed-block allocations. In the block model, each resource has a maximum capacity and each consumer allocation uses a given percentage of that capacity. Used by Microsoft. Provisioning Framework (MPF).
BlockModelRMO is installed as part of Resource Manager Engine, into Program Files\Microsoft Provisioning\Resource Manager\Providers\BlockModelRMO.dll.
Name Block Model Resource Management Provider Version 1 Provider Source BlockModelRMO.BlockModelRMO Procedures
Procedure Description Add Resource Capacity Data Associates block-model resource capacity information with a candidate set of resource instances previously defined in the Resource Manager Database using the CoreRMO Provider. Add Resource Type Data Adds block model allocation data for a resource type. Allocate Allocates one or more consumers to a set of resource instances. Delete Allocation Deletes allocations that exist between consumers in the consumer target set and resources in the resource target set. Move Allocation Deletes allocations that exist between consumers in the consumer target set and resources in the source resource set and creates corresponding allocations for resources in the destination resource set. Query Consumer Allocations Returns all allocations between a consumer instance and a set of resources. Query Resource Allocations Returns all allocations between a resource instance and a set of consumers. Query Resource Capacity Data Returns the resource capacity data for a specified resource instance. Query Resource Type Data Returns the model data associated with a resource type. Rank By Capacity Ranks the resources in a candidate set according to one of the four resource capacity metrics. The rank can be based either on order of decreasing available capacity (default) or on increasing available capacity (for best fit). Select By Capacity Keeps resources in a candidate set that match the required capacity constraints. Constraints can be imposed on both the maximum and free values of actual and virtual capacity. Update Allocation Updates allocations that exist between consumers in the consumer target set and resources in the resource target set. Update Resource Capacity Data Updates capacity data associated with a set of resource instances. The update can be either relative or absolute. Relative updates add to previous values; absolute updates overwrite them. Update Resource Type Data Updates model data associated with a resource type. Verify Resource Capacity Data Checks that the resource capacity data in the database is within acceptable tolerance of the passed-in capacity data. Errors
HRESULT Description 0xC2201BBC An unexpected error occurred. 0xC2201BBD The specified resource model does not exist. 0xC2201BBE The specified resource type does not exist. 0xC2201BBF The specified resource instance does not exist. 0xC2201BC0 The specified resource group does not exist. 0xC2201BC1 The specified resource instance is still being used. 0xC2201BC2 The specified resource group is still being used. 0xC2201BC3 The specified consumer model does not exist. 0xC2201BC4 The specified consumer type does not exist. 0xC2201BC5 The specified consumer instance does not exist. 0xC2201BC6 The specified consumer group does not exist. 0xC2201BC7 The specified consumer type is still being used. 0xC2201BC8 The specified consumer instance is still being used. 0xC2201BC9 The specified consumer group is still being used. 0xC2201BCA The specified resource type is still being used. 0xC2201BCB The specified resource model already exists. 0xC2201BCC The specified resource type already exists. 0xC2201BCD The specified resource instance already exists. 0xC2201BCE The specified resource group already exists. 0xC2201BCF The specified consumer model already exists. 0xC2201BD0 The specified consumer type already exists. 0xC2201BD1 The specified consumer instance already exists. 0xC2201BD2 The specified consumer group already exists. 0xC2201BD3 The specified resource does not have capacity data. 0xC2201BD4 The specified resource already has capacity data. 0xC2201BD5 The specified resource type already has instance data. 0xC2201BD6 An SQL error occurred during processing: %1. 0xC2201BD7 Failed to set output node %1 to value %2. 0xC2201BD8 Failed to append XML. 0xC2201BD9 Failed to get value from node: %1. 0xC2201BDA Input does not contain required node: %1. 0xC2201BDB Input does not contain required attribute: %1. 0xC2201BDC Value for input element %1 exceeds allowable length %2. 0xC2201BDD A non-integer value was supplied for argument %1 which requires an integer value. 0xC2201BDE A non-integer or negative value was supplied for argument %1 which requires a positive integer value. 0xC2201BDF A resource type was added or updated with the same name as an existing type. 0xC2201BE0 A consumer type was added or updated with the same name as an existing type. 0xC2201BE1 A resource instance was added or updated with the same name, location and type as an existing instance, or the resource type no longer exists. 0xC2201BE2 A consumer instance was added or updated with the same name and type as an existing instance, or the consumer type no longer exists. 0xC2201BE3 A resource group was added or updated with the same name as an existing group. 0xC2201BE4 A consumer group was added or updated with the same name as an existing group. 0xC2201BE5 A mapping was added with same ID as an existing mapping. 0xC2201BE6 The value supplied for argument %1 caused an arithmetic overflow. 0xC2201C21 The resource is full. 0xC2201C22 There were not enough resources available to satisfy the request. 0xC2201C23 There were no ranked resources found in the candidate set. 0xC2201C24 There were no consumers found in the candidate set. 0xC2201C25 The resource is unknown to the block model. 0xC2201C26 Both a fill ratio and an actual value were provided for an allocation or update, but only one or the other can be used. 0xC2201C27 A fill ratio was provided without an virtual allocation value. 0xC2201C28 No allocations were found to update. 0xC2201C29 No allocations were found to delete. 0xC2201C2A One or more input parameters failed validation. 0xC2201C2B The resource type no longer exists or the default data is invalid. 0xC2201C2C The resource instance no longer exists or the capacity data is invalid. 0xC2201C2D Either the resource or the consumer no longer exist or an allocation has already been released. 0xC2201C2E The value of the rankUsing parameter should be one of the following four values: actualFree, virtualFree, actualMax, or virtualMax. 0xC2201C2F A procedure tried to release more resources than are currently allocated to a consumer. 0xC2201C30 There is no capacity data for the specified resource instance. 0xC2201C31 There is no capacity data for the specified resource type. 0xC2201C32 No resources were found in the candidate set that had capacity data to update. 0x82201C33 Verification found that the resource instance whose name is %1 of type %2 at location %3 has an actual max value that is above the acceptable range. 0x82201C34 Verification found that the resource instance whose name is %1 of type %2 at location %3 has an actual max value that is below the acceptable range. 0x82201C35 Verification found that the resource instance whose name is %1 of type %2 at location %3 has an actual free value that is above the acceptable range. 0x82201C36 Verification found that the resource instance whose name is %1 of type %2 at location %3 has an actual free value that is below the acceptable range. 0x82201C37 Verification found that the resource instance whose name is %1 of type %2 at location %3 has an virtual max value that is above the acceptable range. 0x82201C38 Verification found that the resource instance whose name is %1 of type %2 at location %3 has an virtual max value that is below the acceptable range. 0x82201C39 Verification found that the resource instance whose name is %1 of type %2 at location %3 has an virtual free value that is above the acceptable range. 0x82201C3A Verification found that the resource instance whose name is %1 of type %2 at location %3 has an virtual free value that is below the acceptable range. 0x82201C3B The resource instance whose name is %1 of type %2 at location %3 has reached the actual free warning level. 0x82201C3C The resource instance whose name is %1 of type %2 at location %3 has reached the virtual free warning level. 0xC2201C3D An arithmetic overflow occurred because the resource capacity specified was too large. 0xC2201C3E An attempt was made to add capacity data for a resource type with no associated model data. See Also
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