Active Directory Provider::Lookup Account From SID
Returns the account name and domain from a Microsoft® Active Directory® security identifier (SID). Used by Microsoft® Provisioning Framework (MPF).
Lookup Account From SID is a wrapper for the Microsoft® Win32® functions ConvertStringSidToSid and LookupAccountSid.
XML Input Schema
The following code fragment shows the format for sending data to this procedure. For more information on individual elements and attributes, see the Elements and Attributes table.
<executeData>1..1 <sid>1..1</sid> </executeData>XML Output Schema
The following code fragment shows the format for data this procedure returns. For more information on individual elements and attributes, see the Elements and Attributes table.
<executeData>1..1 <name>1..1</name> <domain>1..1</domain> <type>1..1</type> </executeData>Elements and Attributes
The following table describes the XML schema elements and attributes. Unless otherwise indicated, the data type is string.
Element Description, relationships, and attributes domain Description:
Active Directory domain name.Parent:
executeDataexecuteData Description:
Encapsulates the procedure's input and output data.Children:
domain (minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" output only)
name (minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1", output only)
sid (minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1", input only)
type (minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1", output only)name Description:
Account name.Parent:
executeDatasid Description:
String representing the account SID to look up.Parent:
executeDatatype Description:
Account type (a decimal corresponding to the SID_NAME_USE enumeration).SID_NAME_USE enumeration:
SidTypeUser 1 SidTypeGroup 2 SidTypeDomain 3 SidTypeAlias 4 SidTypeWellKnownGroup 5 SidTypeDeletedAccount 6 SidTypeInvalid 7 SidTypeUnknown 8 SidTypeComputer 9 Parent:
If the procedure cannot find the SID, it returns 0x80070534, which means this action will fail with that HRESULT.
See Also
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