MPF Errors
The following table lists messages generated by Microsoft. Provisioning Framework.
Note For errors generated by standard providers and namespaces, see the respective introductory page for the provider or namespace.
HRESULT Description 0xC2201000 Failed to fetch the trustee from the incoming XML request 0xC2201001 Failed while instantiating provider object associated with Namespace = '%1' with CLSID = '%2' with Error Code='%4' 0xC2201002 providerSource='%2' specified with namespace = '%1' is invalid. Check if the provider is registered in windows registry for machine name='%3'. 0xC2201003 Failed while enlisting provisionig engine as with DTC as a resource of DTC transaction. 0xC2201004 Failed while fetching data from the XML node. Please review the request and resubmit it to MPF. 0xC2201005 Failed While aborting DTC transaction associated with Provisioning transaction ID '%1'. Transaction may be in an inconssitent state. 0xC2201006 Failed to impersonate from security context. 0x42201007 Provisioning engine successfully updated the named procedure definitions from the configuration database. 0x42201008 Provisioning engine successfully updated the properties from the configuration database. 0x42201009 The provisioning engine successfully updated the list of transaction log servers from the configuration database. 0xC220100A Could not load namespace collection from the config database in the specified time. Try again if the problem persists... 0xC220100B The provisioning engine failed while committing transaction ID = %1. The transaction might be in an inconsistent state. Check the transaction log database to determine the exact state of the transaction. 0xC220100C The provisioning engine failed while aborting transaction ID = %1. The transaction might be in an inconsistent state. Check the transaction log database to determine the exact state of the transaction. 0xC220100D The provisioning engine failed while aborting the transaction picked by the background thread for cleanup. TransactionID = %1, Transaction Log server = %2 Database = %3. The transaction might be in an inconsistent state. Check the transaction log database to determine the exact state of the transaction. 0xC220100E Failed to load namespace = %1 with following error detail%r%r%2. 0xC220100F Failed to load procedure definition = %1 for namespace= %2 with following error detail%r%r%3. 0xC2201010 Stack overflow was caused during procedure execution, either there is an infinite recursion or some of the provider calls have used too much of stack space. Look at the attached procedure call stack to identify the problem. 0xC2201011 The provisioning engine failed while updating the batch status for the transaction with ID = %1%r%rThe response/error XML is:%r%2. 0xC2201012 Maximum procedure call depth reached, check for recursion in procedure calls. Maximum call depth can be configured using 'MaximumProcedureCallDepth' site property. 0xC2201013 The MPF Provider Proxy does not allow this method on out-of-process Providers. 0xC2201014 Microsoft Provisioning Framework Lite only works with MSDE 2000. 0xC2201015 Embedding '%3' tags within %2 transform is not supported, correct the XML request and resubmit the request. 0xC2201100 Could not find executeData node in the list if instance data node passed. 0xC2201101 Could not find context node in the list if instance data node passed. 0x82201102 Specified invoke node is not supported in the procedure. 0x82201103 Extern invoke is only supported on step which map to a Named Procedure definition. 0xC2201104 No more input output nodes in the data section 0xC2201105 No step data nodes in the list was found 0xC2201106 Invalid procedure reference was found in one of the executes in the procedure. Namespace = '%1' Procedure Name = '%2'. Check in event viewer for possible namespace load errors. 0x82201107 No security descriptor was set for SubmitTrustedRequest. Calls using SubmitTrustedRequest will be rejected from all users. 0x82201108 No security descriptor was set for SubmitRequest. All users will be allowed to submit MPF requests using SubmitRequest. 0x82201109 The transaction log database on server = %1 is not responding correctly. The server will be marked as unavailable. Attempts will be made periodically to check the availability of the server. 0x4220110A The transaction log database on server = %1 is marked as available. 0xC220110B Failed on user authentication, backend authentication server may be down, please try your request after a while. 0x8220110C A failure occurred on user authentication. The Active Directory server might be down. If you see this error again, contact the system administrator. 0xC220110D Could not find the PasswordEncryptionKey property in the configuration database. Procedures marked to run under specific MPF credentials will not be executed. 0x8220110E Could not find the AuditValidityData property in the configuration database. 0xC220110F Could not find 'PasswordEncryptionKey' property in Configuration Database, MPF Procedure '%1' set to pass '%2' users's credential in the security context cannot be executed. 0xC2201110 Could not find 'SecurityTokenKey' property in Configuration Database. 0x82201111 Could not find 'AuditValidityData' property in Configuration Database. 0x82201112 No Security Descriptor was set for Provisioning Engine Controller API, 'Provisioning Auditing and Recovery Service' would fail to clean up crashed transactions. 0x82201200 The failure occurred while connecting to the configuration database. Old configuration settings will be used.%r%rConnection String = '%1'.%r%rSQL server reported errors:%r%2 0xC2201201 The failure occurred while connecting to the transaction log database.%r%rConnection String = '%1'.%r%rSQL server reported errors:%r%2 0xC2201202 A transaction log SQL failed to execute the command '%1'.%r%rSQL server reported errors:%r%2 0xC2201203 Failed to instantiate new Provisioning transaction, see application event log for possible errors. 0xC2201204 Failed to instantiate new Provisioning transaction procedure, see application event log for possible errors. Namespace = '%1' Procedure Name = '%2'. 0xC2201205 There are no active transaction log servers. 0x82201206 The Config Database failed to register automatic updates. The system still will check periodically for configuration changes. 0xC2201300 Provider Helper object was not initialized. 0xC2201301 Provider not allowed to add or delete a system property. 0xC2201400 Failed while loading the incoming XML 0xC2201401 Failed to load the top level request node from the incoming XML request 0xC2201402 Failed to load the XML data section from the incoming XML request 0xC2201403 Value of the attribute 'clientTransactionId' was longer than maximum allowed length of 64. 0xC2201404 Failed to fetch the namespace for the procedure call '%1', 'namespace' attribute must be specified in a execute node. 0xC2201405 Failed to fetch the procedure name from the execute node in the procedure call, 'procedure' attribute must be specified in a execute node. 0xC2201406 Procedure node missing in the request XML sent, request XML must have a procedure call. 0xC2201407 Procedure in the request XML must have at least one procedure invocation. 0xC2201408 Invalid dt:type='boolean' value was specified in an attribute of a 'queue' element. Expected the value "0" or "1". 0xC2201409 'try' node in a procedure must be followed by a 'catch' node. 0xC220140A Nested destinationPath '%3' not allowed if path is not present in %5 node with @source='%1' and @destination='%2' 0xC220140B Failed while applying XSL in %5 node with @source='%1' and @destination='%2' 0xC220140C User not allowed to invoke procedure='%3' in namespace='%4' as it is marked as private. 0xC220140D Call from procedure ='%1' namespace='%2' to procedure='%3' namespace='%4' failed because of type mismatch. Procedures marked as 'twophase' could not be called from procedure marked as 'read' or 'write' and procedures marked as 'write' could not be called from procedure marked as 'read' 0xC220140E Resolution of execute statements failed from a procedure=%1 namespace=%2 executing procedure=%3 namespace=%4. Check Event Viewer for additional namespace load errors. 0xC220140F Attribute 'name' was found missing in the 'forEach' Node. 0xC2201410 Attribute 'root' was found missing in 'forEach' node, named as '%1' 0xC2201411 Could not resolve source node named='%2' for %1 node. 0xC2201412 Invalid value '%3' specified for attribute 'ifNull' in 'forEach' node, named as '%1'. Valid values are 'fail', 'skip' and 'ignore' 0xC2201413 Invalid value '%1' specified for 'ifNull' attribute in %2 node 0xC2201414 Path specified for 'forEach' node named '%1' with root attribute '%2' could not be resolved. 0xC2201415 'source' Attribute must be present in %2 nodes. 0xC2201416 'destination' Attribute must be present in %2 nodes. 0xC2201417 Invalid value '%1' specified for 'mode' attribute in %2 node 0xC2201418 Failed resolving source node in %5 node with @source='%1', @sourcePath='%4', @destination='%2' and @destinationPath='%3' 0xC2201419 Failed resolving destination node in %5 node with @source='%1', @sourcePath='%4', @destination='%2' and @destinationPath='%3' 0xC220141A Attribute 'transactionLogServer' was found missing in the queueInfo Section of the transactionContext, attribute must be present if queueInfo is specified. 0xC220141B Attribute 'transactionLogDb' was found missing in the queueInfo Section of the transactionContext, attribute must be present if queueInfo is specified. 0xC220141C Failed on XML schema validation for the input data with error='%1'. 0xC220141D forEach node cannot be defined using name '%1' as the name is already defined in the scope. 0xC220141E Attribute 'name' was found missing in the '%1' Node. 0xC220141F Specified statement node type not currently supported. 0xC2201420 Attribute 'name' was found missing in the 'select' Node. 0xC2201421 Attribute 'source' was found missing in the 'select' node named '%1'. 0xC2201422 Attribute 'source' was found missing in '%1' node named '%2'. 0xC2201423 Invalid value '%3' specified for 'type' attribute in 'select' node named '%1' with path '%2'. 0xC2201424 Could not resolve source='%2' for select='%1' 0xC2201425 Attribute 'value' in one of the 'where' nodes within the 'select' node named '%1' with source '%2' was found missing. 0xC2201426 Attribute 'case' in one of the 'where' nodes within the 'select' node named '%1' with source '%2' was found missing. 0xC2201427 No matching 'where' node was found in 'select'='%1' for value '%2'. Either specify attribute 'defaultCase' for select node or add a where node to match the specified value and resubmit the request. 0xC2201428 Could not find XML node with source '%2' and sourcePath '%3' in 'select' node named '%1'. Either specify attribute 'ifNullCase' for select node or make sure the specified source node exists. 0xC2201429 Could not find XML node with source '%1' and sourcePath '%2' in 'repeat' node. 0xC220142A Invalid value='%3' pointed by source '%1' and sourcePath '%2' in 'repeat' node, value should be numeric value greater than or equal to zero. 0xC220142B Node '%1' with attribute source '%2' and select '%3' has both 'source' and 'select' attributes, only one of them can be present in a 'when' node. 0xC220142C Node 'when' found with missing 'source' as well as 'select' attribute, one of them must be defined in a 'when' node. 0xC220142D Attribute 'case' must be present in a '%1' node with attribute 'select' = '%3'. 0xC220142E Failed resolving source node in when node with source node = '%1'. 0xC220142F Failed resolving select node named '%1' in when node. 0xC2201430 Attribute 'source' was found missing in the 'while' node. 0xC2201431 Path specified for the select node named '%1' with source node '%2' with source path '%3' could not be resolved. 0xC2201432 Invalid XML node type pointed by select node named '%1' with source node '%2' with source path '%3' could not be resolved. 0xC2201433 'select' node cannot be defined using name '%1' as another 'select' node with the same name is already defined in the scope. 0xC2201434 @name for 'select' node must be of a length greater than zero. 0xC2201435 @name for 'forEach' node must be of a length greater than zero. 0xC2201436 @case for 'where' node under select='%1' can not be empty. 0xC2201437 Invalid value @impersonate='%2' is invalid while executing the action='%1'. Valid values for @impersonate are 0, 1 and 2. 0xC2201438 @sourcePath found pointing to a null string in a %2 node, @sourcePath must be set to a string of length greater than 0 or should not be present. 0xC2201439 @destinationPath found pointing to a null string in a %2 node, @destinationPath must be set to a string of length greater than 0 or should not be present. 0xC220143A Node pointed by @source='%1' and @sourcePath='%2' for 'repeat' node points to invalid node value. Check value for @source and @sourcePath and resubmit your XML. 0xC220143B Final Procedure(Procedure with no execute/queue/trasform node) found in a non-final namespace(Namespace with no providerSource attribute). 0xC220143C Failed while applying XSL in %5 node with @source='%1' and @destination='%2'. Destination node must point to a valid XML Element 0xC220143D Failed while applying XSL in %5 node with @source='%1' and @destination='%2'. Source node must point to a valid XML Element or XML Attribute 0xC220143E Failed while applying XSL in %5 node with @source='%1' and @destination='%2'. Source and destination node must point to element nodes in case when mode='replace'. 0xC220143F Failed while applying XSL in %5 node with @source='%1' and @destination='%2'. Source and destination node must point to element or attribute nodes in case when mode='merge'. 0xC2201440 Failed while initializing queue node: after transform within a queue node not allowed to have @source='executeData' or @destination='executeData'. 0xC2201441 Invalid value '%3' specified for attribute 'ifNull' in 'repeat' node, with @source='%2'. Valid values are 'fail', 'skip' and 'ignore' 0xC2201442 Invalid value '%1' specified for 'allowNullTransform' attribute in %2 node, valid values are '0' and '1'. 0xC2201443 Failed while applying XSL in %5 node with @source='%1' and @destination='%2'. The resulting XSL transform is not a valid XML document, either correct XSL transform or set @allowNullTransform='1' in the %5 node to ignore the error. 0xC2201444 Failed while applying XSL in %5 node with @source='%1' and @destination='%2'. The resulting XSL transform contains '%7' as an invalid top level node, correct XSL transform in the %5 and resubmit the request. 0xC2201445 Invalid value @trusted='%2' is invalid while executing the action='%1'. Valid values for @impersonate are 0, 1 and 2. 0xC2201446 Invalid value @sensitive='%2' is invalid while executing the action='%1'. Valid values for @impersonate are 0, 1 and 2. 0xC2201447 Credentials for User='%1' not found in the MPF credential store, check with administrator for correcting the problem and resubmit the request. 0xC2201448 Provisioning Queue Manager service was found unavailable while submitting queued job to execute procedure='%2' within namespace='%1', check if the service is running and resubmit your request. 0xC2201449 Failed to activate the provider associated with providerSource='%2' and namespace = '%1' as it is unavilable, check for any COM+ errors in the event log and resubmit your request. 0xC220144A Failed while executing procedure='%2' within namespace = '%1' during process request as the associated provider is unavilable, check for any COM+ errors in the event log. 0xC220144B Failed while executing procedure='%2' within namespace = '%1' during prepare request as the associated provider is unavilable, check for any COM+ errors in the event log. 0xC220144C Request was submitted to MPF Engine to be excecuted under Credentials for User='%1' but credentials for the specified user were not found in MPF credential store. 0xC220144D Provisioning Queue Manager service was found unavailable while activating the queued job with queueId='%1', check if the service is running and resubmit your request. 0xC220144E Provisioning Queue Manager service was found unavailable while deleting the queued job with queueId='%1', check if the service is running and resubmit your request. 0xC2201500 A trustee could not be determined for this request 0xC2201501 No impersonation credentials were available to use when impersonating 0xC2201502 An impersonation is already in progress, cannot impersonate again 0xC2201503 Not currently impersonating, therefore cannot revert 0xC2201504 Failed to save current thread token before impersonating 0xC2201505 Security context was not initiliazed 0xC2201506 No service prinicipal name was available to use when creating an impersonation ticket. 0xC2201507 Failed to set the trustee name in the security context 0xC2201508 No plaintext credentials are available 0xC2201509 No passport credentials are available 0xC220150A No passport kerberos credentials are available 0xC220150B No kerberos credentials are available 0xC220150C Failed writing ticket to security context 0xC220150D An invalid ticket was presented for impersonation 0xC220150E Failed to save security context to the rollback data 0xC220150F Failed to remove security context before calling an untrusted provider 0xC2201510 Failed to initialize the encryption context, encryption is not supported 0xC2201511 Failed to generate the encryption key for the transaction 0xC2201512 Failed to save the encryption key for the transaction 0xC2201513 Failed to restore the encryption key for the transaction from backup 0xC2201514 There is no encryption helper available to the transaction log 0xC2201515 Failed to decrypt the rollback data 0xC2201516 The encryption helper has not been initialized 0xC2201517 The key manager has not been initialized 0xC2201518 No trusted group name was specified in the site properties. The method can be invoked only by trusted group members of the provisioning site. 0xC2201519 Calling user not authorized for invoking trusted method. 0xC220151A Calling user not authorized for invoking specified procedure. 0xC220151B Calling user %1 is not authorized to invoke secured interface method %2. 0xC220151C Calling user %1 is not authorized to invoke the secured procedure %2::%3. 0xC220151D Failed during encryption of the used credentials. 0xC220151E Process does not enough privleges to enumerate the security descriptor in order to grant user access to the invoked method. 0x42201603 The Provisioning Queue Manager service is paused. 0x42201604 The Provisioning Queue Manager service is stopped. 0x42201605 The Provisioning Queue Manager service is stopped. Could not clean up all threads. 0x42201606 The Provisioning Queue Manager service is started. 0xC2201607 The queue for which you requested the response is not done processing. 0x42201608 The Provisioning Queue Manager service continued. 0x42201609 The Provisioning Queue Manager service stability thread ending. 0x4220160A A Provisioning Queue Manager service Request Thread is dying. 0xC220160B The Provisioning Queue Manager service could not process a queue segment. 0xC220160C The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to submit the queued job to the store. Check event log for any additional error messages. 0xC220160D The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to submit an action associated with the queued job. Check event log for any additional error messages 0xC220160E The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to query the queue with id %1. 0xC220160F The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to open the connection to the main log. The attempted connection string was: %1. 0xC2201610 The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to create the log command: %1. 0xC2201611 The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to execute the log command: %1. 0xC2201612 The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to get a transaction manager. 0xC2201613 The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed properly begin a transaction. 0xC2201614 The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to abort a transaction which should have been aborted. 0xC2201615 The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to commit a transaction which should have been committed. 0xC2201616 The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to retrieve values from the log. The connection string was %1. 0xC2201617 The Provisioning Queue Manager service failed to load the XML %1 section for queued processing 0xC2201618 The queue ID passed to QueryBatch or QueryBatchStatus is invalid 0xC2201619 Returned when the queue ID passed to QueryBatch or QueryBatchStatus does not correspond to an existing queued request. 0xC220161A Parent Queue ID and Child Queue ID are identical, queued request cannot have a dependency on itself. 0xC220161B Cannot process request. The in-memory queue is full. 0x4220161C The Provisioning Queue Manager service successfully updated properties from the configuration database. 0x4220161D The Provisioning Queue Manager service successfully updated the list of transaction log servers in the configuration database. 0xC220161E Too many queue actions specified in queued request. Too many data sections. 0xC220161F The queued request with this ID does not exist. 0xC2201620 The queued request you are attempting to delete is already active. You cannot delete an active queued request. 0xC2201621 The queued request you are attempting to activate is already active. You cannot activate an active queued request. 0xC2201622 Cannot complete the dependency call because the %s queue id is invalid. 0xC2201623 Cannot complete the dependency call. Both the parent and child queue must be suspended to add a dependency between them. 0xC2201624 Cannot complete the dependency call. A dependency already exists between this parent and child queue. 0xC2201625 Invalid value provided for retryType. 0xC2201626 Invalid value provided for retryFailure. 0xC2201627 Invalid value provided for retryCount. 0xC2201628 Invalid value provided for retryInterval. 0x82201629 Following '%3' queued job(s) on MPF Transaction Log Server = '%1' have failed to execute successfully after the specified retry count and are currently waiting for operator assistance. %2 0xC220162A Invalid value = '%1' specified for '@retryStopOnFailure' the value must be a non zero error code specified in hexadecimal format. 0xC220162B MPF Engine failed to update the status of queued action in a timely manner, MPF Engine may have crashed during processing of the queued job check event log for more detail. 0xC220162C Couldn't create service. 0xC220162D Couldn't delete service. 0xC220162E Handler not installed. 0xC220162F Bad service request. 0xC2201630 Could Not initialize. 0xC2201631 Could not initialize security. 0xC2201632 Could not initialize variables. 0xC2201633 Could not initialize the connection pool. 0xC2201634 Could not start the stability thread. 0xC2201635 Could not register class objects. 0xC2201636 Could not start the properties syncronization thread. 0xC2201637 Could not resume class objects. 0xC2201638 Failed to set the service status. Pending statuses require a hint and checkpoint. 0xC2201639 Failed to set the service status. 0xC2201700 The Provisioning Auditing and Recovery service is unable to connect to any provisioning engines of the site %1. 0xC2201701 The following command can not execute against the audit log database: %r%1.%r%rSQL server reported errors:%r%2 0x42201702 Provisioning Audit and Recovery Service started. 0x42201703 Provisioning Audit and Recovery Service stopped. 0xC2201704 Provisioning Audit and Recovery Service can't be started because it has not been installed properly. 0xC2201705 Provisioning Audit and Recovery Service received a bad request. 0xC2201706 Provisioning engine has called RollbackRequest on a provider that has failed and generated an exception. This indicates a problem with the provider. Notify the developer of this component that a failure has occurred. Transaction with ID=%1 on transaction log server = %2 and database = %3 will be marked as IN_DOUBT. and no future attempts to roll back the transaction will be made. Notify the system administrator to verify the consistency of various resources involved in the transaction. %r%rMore information about the nature of the error might be available on the provisioning engine server = %4. 0x82201707 Failed while connecting to the audit log database.%r%rConnection string= '%1'.%r%rSQL server reported errors:%r%2 0xC2201708 Error occurred while moving records to the audit log database. SQL server reported errors: %2 0x42201709 Audit and Recovery service successfully updated properties from Provisioning Config Database. 0xC220170A Security Error occured with the MPF Isapi Filter. %1 0xC220170B Passport Error occured with the MPF Isapi Filter. %1 0xC220170C SOAP Error occured with the MPF Isapi Filter. %1 0xC220170D Error occured while processing asynchronous request with the MPF Isapi Filter. %1 0xC220170E Error occured while processing synchronous request with the MPF Isapi Filter. %1 0xC220170F Error occured with the MPF Isapi Filter. 0xC2201710 An empty PUID has been returned from Passport. An error has occured in Passport Logon. 0xC2201800 %1 0x82201900 The provisioning engine on server = %1 is not responding correctly. The server will be marked as unavailable. Attempts will be made periodically to check the availability of the server. 0x82201901 Provisioning Queue Manager service on server = %1 is not responding correctly. The server will be marked as unavailable. Attempts will be made periodically to check the availability of the server. 0x42201902 The provisioning engine on server = %1 is marked as available. Provisioning requests will now be sent to the server. 0x42201903 The Provisioning Queue Manager service on server = %1 is marked as available. Queued provisioning queued requests will now be sent to the server. 0x42201904 Client successfully updated engine pool properties from the configuration database. 0x42201905 Client successfully updated the list of provisioning engine servers from the configuration database. 0x42201906 Client successfully updated the queue manager pool properties from the configuration database. 0x42201907 Client successfully updated the list of queue manager servers from the configuration database. 0xC2201908 No provisioning engines are available to process the request. 0xC2201909 No queue managers are available to process the request. See Also
Architecture, Standard Providers
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