Retrieves the current status of a queued request. Used to query requests managed by the Provisioning Queue Manager Service of Microsoft. Provisioning Framework (MPF).
C++ HRESULT QueryStatus ( BSTR bstrQueueID, VARIANT *status );Visual Basic Function QueryStatus ( _ bstrQueueID As String _ ) As VariantParameters
- bstrQueueID
- Queue ID of the query request. Returned by SubmitRequest or SubmitTrustedRequest.
- status (C++) / return value (VB)
- One of the following return values.
Name Value Description QUEUE_SUCCESS 0 The queue has completed successfully. QUEUE_ERROR 1 The queue has completed with errors. QUEUE_FAILURE 2 The queue has completed with failures. QUEUE_ERROR_AND_FAILURE 3 The queue has completed with errors and failures. QUEUE_PENDING 4 The queue is pending to be processed. QUEUE_STARTED 5 The queue is being processed. QUEUE_QUEUED_FOR_RETRY 10 The queue is being retried. QUEUE_WITH_INCOMPLETE_PREREQ 11 The queue has parent queues that have not completed yet. QUEUE_WITH_COMPLETE_PREREQ 12 The queue's parent queues have just completed. The queue is pending. QUEUE_SUSPENDED 13 The queue is suspended. QUEUE_SUSPENDED_WITH_WAITS 14 The queue is suspended and has parent queues that have not completed yet. QUEUE_FAILED_AWAITING_OPERATOR 15 The queued request has failed all retry attempts and is now waiting for the operator to fail or retry. Return Codes
Zero indicates success; a non-zero value represents an error. For a list of error codes, see MPF Errors.
C++ Example
IProvQueue *pProvQueue = NULL; BSTR bstrRequest = NULL; BSTR bstrQueueID = NULL; VARIANT vStatus; HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; LPCWSTR wszStatus[] = { L"The queue has completed successfully.", L"The queue has completed with errors.", L"The queue has completed with failures.", L"The queue has completed with errors and failures.", L"The queue is pending to be processed.", L"The queue is being processed.", L"The queue is being retried.", L"The queue has parent queues that have not completed yet.", L"The queue's parent queues have just completed. The queue is pending.", L"The queue is suspended.", L"The queue is suspended and has parent queues that have not completed yet.", L"The queued request has failed all retry attempts and is now waiting for the " + L"operator to fail or retry.", L"Unknown status code.", }; // The code for creating the queue manager client and the request string was skipped ... // Create a queued request hr = pProvQueue->SubmitTrustedRequest(bstrRequest, FALSE, &bstrQueueID); if(FAILED(hr)) goto LocalCleanup; // Do something ... // Check the current status hr = pProvQueue->QueryStatus(bstrQueueID, &vStatus); if(FAILED(hr)) goto LocalCleanup; if(SUCCEEDED(::VariantChangeType(&vStatus, &vStatus, 0, VT_I4))) { if(vStatus.lVal < 0 || vStatus.lVal >= (sizeof(wszStatus) / sizeof(*wszStatus))) vStatus.lVal = sizeof(wszStatus) / sizeof(*wszStatus) 1; MessageBoxW(NULL, wszStatus[vStatus.lVal], L"Current queued request status ", MB_OK); } ::VariantClear(&vStatus); // Clean up LocalCleanup: if(pProvQueue) pProvQueue->Release(); ::SysFreeString(bstrRequest); ::SysFreeString(bstrQueueID);Visual Basic Example
Dim objProvQueue Dim strRequest Dim strQueueID Dim status Const QUEUE_SUCCESS = 0 Const QUEUE_ERROR = 1 Const QUEUE_FAILURE = 2 Const QUEUE_ERROR_AND_FAILURE = 3 Const QUEUE_PENDING = 4 Const QUEUE_STARTED = 5 Const QUEUE_QUEUED_FOR_RETRY = 10 Const QUEUE_WITH_INCOMPLETE_PREREQ = 11 Const QUEUE_WITH_COMPLETE_PREREQ = 12 Const QUEUE_SUSPENDED = 13 Const QUEUE_SUSPENDED_WITH_WAITS = 14 Const QUEUE_FAILED_AWAITING_OPERATOR = 15 Dim StatusMsgArray(16) StatusMsgArray( 0) = "The queue has completed successfully." StatusMsgArray( 1) = "The queue has completed with errors." StatusMsgArray( 2) = "The queue has completed with failures." StatusMsgArray( 3) = "The queue has completed with errors and failures." StatusMsgArray( 4) = "The queue is pending to be processed." StatusMsgArray( 5) = "The queue is being processed." StatusMsgArray(10) = "The queue is being retried." StatusMsgArray(11) = "The queue has parent queues that have not completed yet." StatusMsgArray(12) = "The queue's parent queues have just completed. The queue is pending." StatusMsgArray(13) = "The queue is suspended." StatusMsgArray(14) = "The queue is suspended and has parent queues that have not completed yet." StatusMsgArray(15) = "The queued request has failed all retry attempts and is now waiting for the " StatusMsgArray(15) = StatusMsgArray(15) & " operator to fail or retry." StatusMsgArray(16) = "Unknown status code." ' The code for creating the queue manager client and the request string was skipped ... ' Create a queued request strQueueID = objProvQueue.SubmitTrustedRequest(strRequest, False) ' Do something ... ' Check the current status status = objProvQueue.QueryStatus(strQueueID) If status < QUEUE_SUCCESS Or status > QUEUE_FAILED_AWAITING_OPERATOR Then status = QUEUE_FAILED_AWAITING_OPERATOR + 1 End If MsgBox StatusMsgArray(status)See Also
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