Executes provider procedures. Used by Microsoft. Provisioning Framework (MPF).
C++ HRESULT ProcessRequest ( IXMLDOMNode *pXML );Parameters
- pXML
- [in] A pointer to the IXMLDOMNode object interface. Use IXMLDOMNode::selectSingleNode to get the name of the called procedure from the request's /context/executeContext/@procedure attribute. The response from the XMLDOMNode object has the following format.
<executeXml> <context> <securityContext/> <transactionContext/> <executeContext procedure="procedureName"/> </context> <executeData></executeData> </executeXml>Remarks
Whenever ProcessRequest returns an error code, the engine considers this a failure, although the transaction may not roll back immediately, depending on the error handling, if any, implemented in the procedure. The provider is responsible for cleaning up data and rolling back changes for the failed call because the engine will not call RollbackRequest for the failed procedure. (However, it will call RollbackRequest for all the successfully-executed procedure calls.)
See Also
CommitRequest, Developing Custom Providers, PrepareRequest
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