When you create a manual replica for application servers, DPM displays a Details of Replica Path dialog box. The path defined under the Destination (DPM Server) column in the Details of Replica Path dialog box corresponds to the volume root of each corresponding data file on the source protected server. You must re-create the folder hierarchy under this volume root so that the folder hierarchy under the specified DPM replica path is the same as the relative path/folder hierarchy under the volume root of the protected server. This must be done for each data file that is part of the data source.

If the SQL database files are located under G:\Dir, the files are named G:\Dir\Dir.mdf and G:\Dir\Dir_log.ldf. Using this example, the Details of Replica Path dialog box displays the following paths.

Source—Protected Server Destination—DPM Server

G:\on widgets.corp.microsoft.com

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\Volumes\Replica\widgets.corp.microsoft.com\SqlServerWriter\Dir\5f933057-a1fa-432c-9c2f-86d64e91e21f\Full\G-Vol\

To perform a manual load, copy dir\dir.mdf and dir\dir_log.ldf under the path so that the final paths are as follows:


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\Volumes\Replica\widgets.corp.microsoft.com\SqlServerWriter\Dir\5f933057-a1fa-432c-9c2f-86d64e91e21f\Full\G-Vol\dir\dir.mdf


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\Volumes\Replica\widgets.corp.microsoft.com\SqlServerWriter\Dir\5f933057-a1fa-432c-9c2f-86d64e91e21f\Full\G-Vol\dir\dir_log.ldf

For more information about how to use specific application administrator consoles, see the following links:

See Also