When a tape containing data is added to the tape library and the tape label displays as "Unknown", you can use DPM to identify the tape.
When DPM identifies the tape, it reads the tape header and updates the tape label as follows:
- A tape created by the DPM server displays the assigned tape
- A tape created by another DPM server displays Imported
as the tape label.
- A tape that contains content that was not created by DPM
displays Unrecognized as the tape label.
- A tape that has conflicting identification information, such as
the bar code or the on-media identifier, displays Suspect as
the tape label.
To identify an unknown tape
In DPM Administrator Console, click Management on the navigation bar, and then click the Libraries tab.
In the display pane, expand the tape library or stand-alone tape drive and select the unknown tape.
In the Actions pane, click Identify unknown tape.