Use the Specify Short-Term Protection page of the Create New Protection Group Wizard to generate your short-term tape-based recovery goals.

This page contains the elements described in the following table.


Name Description

Retention range

Type or select how long you need your backup data available.

You can select a retention range between 1 and 12 weeks for short-term tape-based protection.

Frequency of backup

Select how often you want to back up your data. You can select a backup frequency of daily, weekly, or biweekly depending on your retention range.

Backup mode

Select your backup type.

For tape-based backup, instead of recovery points, you configure your type of backup as follows:

  • Full and incremental backups (Available only when you select a daily backup frequency.)

If you select this backup type, the retention range will be longer than the one you specified (up to a maximum of 1 week) because of a dependency between full and incremental backups.
  • Full backup only

For more information about full and incremental backups, in the DPM Planning Guide see "Defining Recovery Goals" in Planning Protection Groups (

Full backup on

Select your daily backup schedule.

When you select daily full backups, you specify the time.

When you select weekly or every two weeks, only full backup is available. You specify the day and time.

Incremental backup on

Available only when you select daily full and incremental backups.

Specify the day and time for the full backup and for the incremental backup.

Compress data

Select this option to enable data compression on tape.

Encrypt data

Select this option to encrypt the data before it is written to tape.

Do not compress or encrypt data

Select this option if you do not want DPM to perform data compression or encryption.

After specifying your short-term protection on tape for the protection group, click Next.

See Also