When you schedule reports, you can enable the option to send reports to subscribers via e-mail. Before you enable this option, you must specify the SMTP server that Data Protection Manager (DPM) will use to send reports.

Reports are sent through e-mail as file attachments. A subscriber cannot view an attached report unless the required software is installed on the destination computer. For example, if an administrator selects HTML as the report format, the browser on the destination computer must be able to display Internet Explorer version 4.0.1 or later. The following table provides the minimum software requirements for viewing reports sent by e-mail.

Report Format Required Software


Internet Explorer 4.0.1 or later (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=42060)


Microsoft Office Excel 97 or later


Adobe Reader 4 or later (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=15161)

To subscribe to reports

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Reporting on the navigation bar.

  2. On the display pane, right-click the report to which you want to subscribe and, on the Actions pane, click Schedule.

    Alternatively, you can right-click a report in the display pane and click Schedule.

  3. On the E-mail tab, in the Recipients box, type the e-mail addresses of all the people or groups to whom DPM should send reports, and then click OK.

    1. Separate multiple e-mail addresses with commas.

    2. Enter only e-mail addresses that are valid on the designated SMTP server.

  4. Select the HTML, Excel, or PDF report format, and click OK.

  5. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for each type of report that you want to distribute via e-mail.

To add a subscriber to an existing report subscription

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Reporting on the navigation bar.

  2. On the display pane, right-click the report for which you want to add e-mail recipients and click Schedule.

  3. On the E-mail tab, in the Recipients box, add the subscriber to the list of recipients, separating it from the last entry by a comma, and then click OK.

To modify the report format for an existing report subscription

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Reporting on the navigation bar.

  2. On the display pane, right-click the report for which you want to modify the report format and click Schedule.

  3. On the E-mail tab, in the Report format box, select the HTML, Excel, or PDF reort format, and then click OK.

See Also