Use the Choose Replica Creation Method page of the Create New Protection Group Wizard to select how you want to create the replica for each protected volume in the protection group. In DPM, a replica is a full copy of the protected data on a single volume.

This page contains the elements described in the following table.


Name Description


Select this option to have DPM replicate the data across the network.


Select this option to have DPM immediately begin copying the data from the computers you are protecting to the DPM server.


Select this option to schedule the initial copy at a later time—most probably after business hours.


Select this option to use tape, USB storage, or other portable media to transfer the baseline data to the DPM server.

This is the preferred option when synchronizing large amounts of data across a slow WAN connection for the first time.

For more information about manual replica creation, in the DPM 2007 Operations Guide, see "Creating Replicas Manually" in Managing Performance (

After specifying your replica creation method for the protection group, click Next.

See Also