In the Management task area, accessed by clicking Management on the DPM Administrator Console navigation bar, you can review storage pool data to find out how much disk space is allocated for data protection, and how much space is still available.
To view disk allocation information
In DPM Administrator Console, click Management on the navigation bar, and then click the Disks tab. The storage pool disk allocation information is displayed.
At the top of the Disks page, the total capacity and total disk space allocated for all disks in the storage pool is displayed. In the display pane, the total capacity and unallocated disk space for each disk in the storage pool is displayed.
Note Because of rounding, the totals for allocated and unallocated disk space in the storage pool might not equal the exact total capacity of the disks in the storage pool. -
To review the status and disk allocation data for a specific disk, select the disk and refer to the Details pane. DPM stores the following information for each disk in the storage pool:
- Name
- Status: Healthy, unhealthy, or missing
- Used space: Space allocated for protection
- Unallocated space: Amount of unallocated space
- Protected data sources on this disk: A list of the data sources
protected on the disk
- Name