When you create a protection group, you set protection options or accept the default settings for synchronization, recovery points, consistency checks, and network performance. After you create a protection group, you can modify these settings, as needed, to better meet your data protection requirements and optimize network performance.
The following procedures provide steps to set synchronization options and to peform a consistency check. For information about how to optimize performance using network bandwidth usage throttling, on-the-wire compression, and specifying start times for synchronization jobs, see Optimizing Performance.
To set synchronization options
In DPM Administrator Console, click Protection on the navigation bar.
In the display pane, select the protection group for which you want to set synchronization options.
In the Actions pane, click Modify protection group. This starts the Modify Protection Wizard.
Select group members, and click Next.
Select the data protection method and click Next.
On the Select Short-Term Objectives page, select the synchronization frequency.
Important If you are protecting computers in a time zone that is different from that of the DPM server, the times specified in the Modify Protection Options dialog box are protected computer times. -
On the Specify Long-Term Objectives page, specify long-term recovery goals for protection.
On the Select Library and Tape Details page, specify tape and library details and click Next.
On the Summary page, click Update Group.
Click Close to exit the wizard.
Note If DPM displays a Replica inconsistent error, you should perform a consistency check.
To perform a consistency check
In DPM Administrator Console, click Protection on the navigation bar.
In the Display pane, select the protection group member for which you want to perform a consistency check.
In the Actions pane, click Perform consistency check.
In the dialog that notifies you that a consistency check is a lengthy operation, click OK.
To make a protection group modifiable using DPM Management Shell
Use the following syntax to retrieve a protection group:
Get-ProtectionGroup [-DPMServerName] <String> [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Use the following syntax to make the retrieved protection group modifiable:
Get-ModifiableProtectionGroup [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
For more information, type "Get-Help Get-ModifiableProtectionGroup -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Get-ModifiableProtectionGroup -full" in DPM Management Shell.
To set synchronization options (policy schedule) using DPM Management Shell
Use the following syntax to retrieve policy schedule:
Get-PolicySchedule [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> -OffsetSchedule [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Get-PolicySchedule [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> -ShortTerm [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Get-PolicySchedule [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> -LongTerm [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ][-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Use the following syntax to set the policy schedule:
Set-PolicySchedule [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> [-Schedule] <Schedule> [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Set-PolicySchedule [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> [-OffsetInMinutes] <Int32> [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
For more information, type "Get-Help Set-PolicySchedule -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Set-PolicySchedule -full" in DPM Management Shell.
To set synchronization options (policy objective) using DPM Management Shell
Use the following syntax to retrieve the policy objective:
Get-PolicyObjective [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> -LongTerm [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Get-PolicyObjective [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> -ShortTerm [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Use the following sybtax to set the policy objective:
Set-PolicyObjective [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> [-RetentionRangeInDays] <Int32> [[-SynchronizationFrequency] <Int32> ] [-BeforeRecoveryPoint] [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Set-PolicyObjective [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> [-RetentionRangeInWeeks] <Int32> [-ShortTermBackupFrequency] <BackupFrequency> [-CreateIncrementals] [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Set-PolicyObjective [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> [-RetentionRange] <RetentionRange> [-LongTermBackupFrequency] <BackupFrequency> [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Set-PolicyObjective [-ProtectionGroup] <ProtectionGroup> [-RetentionRangeList] <RetentionRange[]> [-FrequencyList] <Int32[]> [-GenerationList] <GenerationType[]> [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
For more information, type "Get-Help Set-PolicyObjective -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Set-PolicyObjective -full" in DPM Management Shell.
To perform a consistency check using DPM Management Shell
Use the following syntax to perform a consistency check:
Start-DatasourceConsistencyCheck [-Datasource] <Datasource> [-HeavyWeight] [-JobStateChangedEventHandler <JobStateChangedEventHandler> ] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ][-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
For more information, type "Get-Help Start-DatasourceConsistencyCheck -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Start-DatasourceConsistencyCheck -full" in DPM Management Shell.