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Compaq9.mif inventory tables

The following table contains the contents of the inventory tables in the file Compaq9.mif.

Inventory table



Fibre Channel array controller


Fibre Channel array controller model


Firmware revision

Firmware revision of the Fibre Channel array controller


Serial number

Serial number of the Fibre Channel array controller


Storage box I/O slot

Physical slot within the storage box where the Fibre Channel array controller is installed

Fibre Channel array logical drive

Storage box index

Index of the storage box where the logical drive is installed


Logical drive index

Index of logical drive within a storage box


Logical drive fault tolerance mode

Fault tolerance mode of the logical drive


Logical drive size

Size in MB of the logical drive


List of physical drive

List of physical drive IDs associated with the logical drive


Accelerator status

Status of the accelerator (Enabled/Disabled)


Logical drive index

Index of the logical drive within a storage box

Fibre Channel array physical drive

Storage box index

Index of storage box where the physical drive resides


Physical drive index

Index of physical drive

With the Storage box index, this uniquely identifies a specific physical drive


Drive model

Text description of the physical drive


Drive size

Size in MB of the physical drive


Firmware revision level

Firmware revision level of the physical drive


Serial number

Serial number of the physical drive


Drive speed

Rotational speed of the physical drive


Drive type

Type of the physical drive


SATA version

Version of the SATA drive

Fibre Channel host controller

Host controller slot

Identifies the slot index for the HP Fibre Channel host controller



Model name of the controller card


Worldwide name

User-specified string that can be used to further identify the controller card

Cluster node information

Cluster name

Name of the cluster to which this node belongs


Cluster IP

Static IP address of the cluster


Cluster node

Node name

Cluster interconnect information

Interconnect physical ID

Physical device identification


Interconnect transport

Network transport used by the interconnect


Interconnect address

Address used by the interconnect