If you want to open multiple results in the Windows® Assessment Console, and get a summary view of the results to compare a few metrics across numerous job runs, the summary view of results can help you identify individual computers that might need quality improvements. This view can also help you rank multiple computers from best to worst based on a specific metric that an assessment measures, or see progression over time on an individual computer.
The summary view displays each job run as a column. Below the overview tables, metrics for each assessment in the job appear as a chart. This topic describes the summary view of results, and also how to sort and organize information, select which rows appear, sort the graph information, or change the graph style to create a view of the results that helps you determine patterns or trends.
In this topic:
- Open Results for
Comparison in Summary View
- Overview
- Overview:
Overall Issues
- Metric
- Filter and
Grouping Pane
- Switch to Details
Open Results for Comparison in Summary View
If you want to compare results for different computers or over time, open multiple results at the same time by using the summary view. This summary contains information about the computer, the job that was run, and overall metrics that were measured. This view can display hundreds of values for hundreds of job instances. It provides a visual comparison of the same metric across several jobs, and lets you select which metrics are displayed.
To open multiple results for comparison in summary view
In the Windows Assessment Console, click Options, and then click Open Results. A list of all results from the results library appears.
In the Select Results window, select all the results that you want to compare. You can search by keyword or filtering criteria to limit the list of results. For more information about filtering and searching results, see Find and Open Results.
After you select the result that you want to compare, click Use summary view to open results.
Click Open.
The overview table appears at the top of the summary view page. You can add and remove information about the job and the computers the job ran on, and also sort or group the information in the table so that it is organized to meet your needs.
To adjust the overview table
In the Overview row, click Select Rows to add or remove overview metadata.
In the Overview row, click Sort groups to group the metadata.
In the Overview row, click the pin symbol to pin the overview table so that it remains stationary when the page is scrolled vertically.
Overview: Overall Issues
The total number of issues for each job instance is shown in the Overview: Overall issues table.
- In the Overview: Overall issues row,
click Select Rows to add or remove issues data.
Metric Charts
In the summary view, all visible metrics have bar charts. The charts are under the overview tables. The charts can be displayed in three different styles. The style for each chart is chosen independently. There can be a mix of various chart styles at any time. On opening, all charts are displayed in a compact style. Use the Graph style button in the upper-right corner of each metric row to change the graph style. Hovering over a bar on the chart highlights the corresponding column in the Overview tables.
- In the assessment metric row, click
Sort to arrange the graph in an ascending or descending
- In the assessment metric row, click Graph
style to change the style of the graph.
- Below the metric chart, click Add to
add more metric charts.
- Select a bar in the chart to highlight the
corresponding column in the Overview.
Filter and Grouping Pane
The right side of the page contains the filter pane, which you can use to limit the results data and group the data that is displayed. The filter pane is visible by default, but can be collapsed to give more screen space to results.
Switch to Details View
Each column in the summary view can be selected individually, or multiple columns can be selected together. Selecting the columns highlights them and enables the View details button.
- Select one or more columns to highlight the job and enable the
View details button.
- Click View details.
- Click the back button to go back to summary view.
Note |
You can also double-click a single column to view the result details. |