Sent to a WIMMessageCallback function to provide the caller with information about the file being applied during a WIMApplyImage operation.


  wParam = (PWSTR) pszFullPath;
  lParam = (PWIN32_FIND_DATA) pFileData;



[in] A pointer to a null-terminated string, containing the full file path of the file or directory to be potentially captured or applied.


[in] A pointer to a WIN32_FIND_DATA structure containing information about the file being applied during a WIMApplyImage operation.

Return Value

Your routine must return WIM_MSG_SUCCESS.


The dwReserved0 and dwReserved1 fields of the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure contain file index information for files that were hard-linked when the image was captured. A "hard link" is a file system-level shortcut for a given file. A hard link saves you from maintaining multiple (but needed) copies of the same file, making the system responsible for managing various path names to address a single physical content. Files with matching file indexes within the image will be hard-linked together during an apply operation.

See Also