Windows® System Image Manager (Windows SIM) enables you to add, remove, or modify out-of-box device drivers (also called third-party drivers) within a distribution share folder. You can also copy device drivers directly to the Out-of-Box Drivers folder in a distribution share without opening Windows SIM. Once drivers are copied to the appropriate folder, they are available through Windows SIM and can be added to an unattended installation answer file.
Subfolders can be used to organize out-of-box drivers. When an Out-of-Box Drivers folder is added to an unattended installation answer file, all drivers in the folders and subfolders are also added.
To add an out-of-box device driver to a distribution share
- Open a distribution share. For more information, see Open a Distribution
- On the Tools menu, select Explore Distribution
The Distribution Share window opens.
- Copy, or drag and drop, the device driver files to the
Out-of-Box Drivers folder.
- Close the Distribution Share window.
The out-of-box device driver files appear under the Out-of-Box Drivers node in the Distribution Share pane.